英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:11:46



英 [ˈpesl]

美 [ˈpɛsəl, ˈpɛstəl]


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过去式: pestled 过去分词: pestled 现在分词: pestling 第三人称单数: pestles

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  • 杵(研磨食品工具)
  • 碾槌(研磨食品工具)
  • 乳钵槌
  • 杵棒
  • 研槌
  • 研碎
  • 用槌磨
  • 用杵捣


1. a club-shaped hand tool for grinding and mixing substances in a mortar

2. a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone

Synonym: mullerpounder

3. machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores

Synonym: stamp


1. grind, mash or pulverize in a mortar

e.g. pestle the garlic

1. (捣研草药、调料、谷物等的)捣锤,碾槌,杵
A pestle is a short rod with a thick round end. It is used for crushing things such as herbs, spices, or grain in a bowl called a mortar.

1. 杵:解决哥布尔后,你可以在一个箱子上拿到研钵(Mortar)以及捣杵(Pestle),这种炼金术工具,可以让你用来炼制各种功能的药水,炼制必须的药材在整个游戏中遍地都是,如果你想成为炼金术达人,那平时就多花点时间收集药材吧.

2. 研钵:去找Jibaro,把头发、树皮、石头、百合、海水放进门口的研钵(Pestle)里搅拌,拿起研钵,放到壁炉里加热,加热好后,Sunny想拿起魔药,可是没有容器,和Jibaro对话就可以得到一个小包.

3. 研棒,杵:pessus 阴道栓 | pestle 研棒,杵 | petaloid 花瓣状的

4. 研磨棒:研磨钵 mortar | 研磨棒 pestle | 玛瑙研钵agate mortar

Powder and mix the sea greens and antioxidant tablets, if used. use a mortar and pestle or other crushing implements.(将海藻弄成粉状,如果有用抗氧化剂片也要弄成粉。)
An ancient Chinese drawing shows the use of a lever to facilitate the operation of the mortar and pestle (Figure 6).(一幅古代中国画中展示了使用杠杆推进臼和杵的操作(图6)。)
He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle.(他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。)
She really look for-pound medicine under the waving pestle, trace and TV drama eternal constant loneliness?(她真的在一下下挥动着换捣药杵,捣着那万古不变的寂寞吗?)
I saw the callous spot on your right forefinger where the handle of the pestle rubs.(我看到你右手食指被乳钵柄摩出老茧的地方了。)
After artificial ink-sticks appeared in Han, pestle gradually disappeared.(在汉代出现了人工墨之后,杵逐渐消失。)
Metallic hammers were also used by primitive people. The mortar and pestle is still used in everyday life.(远古人也使用金属锤,在现在的确日常生活中人们也用臼和杵。)
A mortar and pestle was first used to pulverize the granules of Ignition Powder.(迫击炮和杵首次用来粉碎的颗粒点火粉末。)
Their daughter told her mother she heard her father grinding a pestle and mortar in the bedroom.(他们的女儿告诉吉尔,说听到爸爸在卧室用杵捣碎一些东西的声音。)
Most of these new foods were pretty bland, but the pestle and mortar can also play a key part here in making them more interesting.(这种新型食品大部分嚼之无味,但是这研钵与舂杵却很关键使一切变得更加丰富有趣。)
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