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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:13:15



英 [ˌfɪlən'θrɒpɪk]

美 [ˌfɪlənˈθrɑpɪk]


副词: philanthropically 异体字: philanthropical

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  • 博爱的
  • 慈善的
  • 仁慈的
  • 慈善事业的
  • 仁爱的
  • 有善心的


1. generous in assistance to the poor

e.g. a benevolent contributor
eleemosynary relief
philanthropic contributions

Synonym: beneficentbenevolenteleemosynary

2. of or relating to or characterized by philanthropy

e.g. a philanthropic society

1. 慈善的;捐助的
A philanthropic person or organization freely gives money or other help to people who need it.

e.g. Some of the best services for the ageing are sponsored by philanthropic organizations.

1. 博爱的:philanderer 调情男人 | philanthropic 博爱的 | philanthropism 博爱

2. 博爱的,慈善的:contemplative 好沉思的 | philanthropic 博爱的,慈善的 | sphere 范围,领域

3. philanthropic

3. 慈善的:pour 下倾盆大雨 | philanthropic 慈善的 | philanthropist 慈善家

4. 慈善的,博爱的:malleable 可锻的,韧性的 | philanthropic慈善的,博爱的 | placid平静的,温和的

  • 经典引文

  • She would be..philanthropic, ready to place herself and her time at the service of suffering.

    出自:E. F. Benson
  • Uncle Semya and his associates were responsible for more philanthropic acts than many public charities.

    出自:M. Moorcock
Meanwhile, corporate and philanthropic sponsors get access to new ideas, groups, and projects.(同时,企业和慈善机构可以借此接触到这些新的观念,群体和项目。)
Some of the best services for the seniors are sponsored by philanthropic organizations.(一些一流老人服务机构是由慈善组织资助的。)
Another reason for Carnegie's relative decline may be that 100 years is too old for a philanthropic foundation.(卡耐基相对下降的另一个原因可能是100岁对于一个慈善机构来说太老了。)
Q: Will you follow Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in philanthropic pursuits?(问:你会追随沃伦巴菲特和比尔盖茨的慈善行动吗?)
The largest philanthropic foundation in the world, the Gates Foundation gave out $2.8bn last year.(世界上最大的慈善基金会盖茨基金会去年分发了二十八亿美元。)
Encourage them to integrate forests into their publicity or philanthropic work.(鼓励他们将森林问题纳入其宣传或慈善工作。)
Perhaps the most prestigious job in the philanthropic field is that of a foundation officer.(在慈善界中最令人尊敬的工作恐怕就是基金会官员了。)
Various philanthropic programs and commercial offerings have recently emerged to address the availability of computers.(为解决电脑供应问题,最近涌现出各种不同的慈善计划和商业捐赠。)
Instead, [gm99nd] sees PowerMeter as an opportunity to make a 'philanthropic impact' on an important issue.(相反,[gm66nd]将PowerMeter视为在一个重大问题上产生“公益影响”的机会。)
Although some stalwarts like Goldman Sachs are giving more, they are also shaking up their philanthropic programs.(虽然一些忠诚分子,如高盛捐出的款额更多,但是他们也在动摇他们的慈善计划。)
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