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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:14:26

physical education

英 [ˈfizikəl ˌedju:ˈkeiʃən]

美 [ˈfɪzɪkəl ˌɛdʒəˈkeʃən]

体育; 体育课
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physical education什么意思


1. training in the development of and care for the human body
stresses athletics
includes hygiene

1. 体育
Physical education is the school subject in which children do physical exercises or take part in physical games and sports.

1. 体育:腔肠动物--生物学特征身体具有两层细胞:体高 嵘北京师范大学 体育与运动学院开设大学生体育文化课的意义弥补基础教育阶段体育教育文化学习的不足 对体育运动缺乏比较理性的学习和思考 如什么是"体育"(physical education)什么是"运动"

2. 体育教育:俄罗斯称之为体育运动(Sport),美国称为体育与运动(Physical Education and Sport),<>将体育分为广义与狭义,广义体育包括三部分:体育教育(Physical Education),竞技运动(Sport),

3. 体育课:每个年龄段的学生都必须上体育课(physical education),参加各种体育运动. 学生还可以成为学校里各种体育运动队的成员,并与来自其他学校的代表队比赛(compete). 许多美国人认为,体育运动可以培养学生的团队合作(teamwork)等精神品质. 在美国,

4. 身体教育:基于以上一些想法,编者编译出版了这本书,本书内容包括:<Physical Education)标准内容和评价指南>><Physical Education)师范专业本科标准>>和<Physical Education)师范专业硕士标准>>,


5. physical education:phys ed.; 体育

Many traditional summer school programs offered physical education, breakfast, and lunch components.(许多传统的暑期班学习方案包括体育课程,还提供早餐、中餐等。)
If you're excited about going outside, your kids will be, too, said Tanya Berry, a physical education researcher at the University of Alberta.(一位名叫TanyaBerry的艾伯塔大学的体育教育研究员说过,如果你很喜欢去户外玩,那么你的孩子也会喜欢。)
Music, Physical Education and Science today.(音乐,今天的体育训练和科学。)
I like Physical Education best.(我最喜欢体育课。)
Setting aside more money for these activities will help schools to develop better physical education programs and encourage more students to participate in them.(为这些活动拨出更多的钱将有助于学校发展更好的体育项目,并鼓励更多的学生参与其中。)
Jim is our school's physical education teacher.(吉姆是我们学校的体育老师。)
Particularly after each Physical Education class, when he looked at the sweat-soaked back of a boy he liked, he felt dazed.(尤其是每次体育课后,看着他喜欢的男生那汗水浸透的背心时,头脑一片晕眩。)
These are qualities that schoolchildren can, and should, acquire through a variety of demanding individual activities in physical education.(这些素质是学生能够而且应该通过体育教学中各种各样要求很高的个人活动中获得的。)
The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to survive on smaller budgets.(这些数据肯定会引发一场没有间断过的争论,即在学校难以靠更少的预算生存之际,是否应该削减体育课。)
In Ontario, all high school students are required to take at least one course in health and physical education.(在安大略,所有的高中生都被要求参加至少一门健康与体育课程。)
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