So the physiological environment can play a role in risk.(所以生理环境中起重要作用的风险。)
Another flaw of the tiredness theory is that yawning does not raise alertness or physiological activity, as the theory would predict.(疲劳理论的另一个缺陷是,打哈欠并不能像该理论所预测的那样,提高警觉性或生理活跃度。)
One involves physiological changes relevant to memory.(一种是与记忆相关的生理变化。)
External physiological factors also play a part.(外在的生理因素也有一定作用。)
Many important physiological processes occur during deep sleep.(很多重要的生理活动都发生在深睡眠阶段。)
The effects of soil loose on physiological characters and tuber yield formation of Solanum tuberosum L were studied.(研究土壤疏松对马铃薯生理特性和块茎产量形成的影响。)
These are physiological signals from the subjects.(这是从学科生理信号。)
With these sophisticated observational assessment and electro-physiological measures, we know that the neonate of only a few days is far more perceptive than previously suspected.(通过这些复杂的观察、评估和电生理仪器的测量,我们可以得知,刚出生几天的新生儿的感知能力超乎我们之前的猜测。)
One physiological need that we often neglect is sleep.(睡眠是经常被我们忽略的一项生理需求。)
What if someone could create a pill that mimicked the physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to eat less?(如果有人能发明一种药丸,既能模拟少吃的生理效应,又不会真正地强迫人们少吃,会怎么样呢?)
physiological是什么意思 physiological在线翻译 physiological什么意思 physiological的意思 physiological的翻译 physiological的解释 physiological的发音 physiological的同义词