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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:14:57



英 [piˈætsə]

美 [piˈɑ:zə]


名词复数: piazzas

  • 详情解释

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  • 网络解释

  • 广场
  • 连拱廊
  • 市场
  • 阳台
  • 门廊
  • 步廊
  • 柱廊
  • 露天市场
  • 游廊
  • 外廊
  • 长廊
  • 走廊
  • (拱形)顶的长廓



1. a public square with room for pedestrians

e.g. they met at Elm Plaza
Grosvenor Place

Synonym: plazaplace

1. (尤指意大利城镇中的)广场
A piazza is a large open square in a town or city, especially in Italy.

e.g. They were seated at a table outside a pub in a pleasant piazza close by St Paul's...
e.g. Turn south at Mulinello to reach Piazza Armerina.

1. piazza的翻译

1. 皮亚萨:这次夺取冠军的主力队员包括:拉蒂塞(Radice梅沙( Meschia),莫达( Moda博萨德( Bosshard),A.特雷( A.Trer),皮亚萨( PiazzaS.特雷( S.Trer),卡尔平( Kilpin),维德马尔( Widmer),伊姆霍夫( Imhoff)和梅德尔( Maedler).这个赛季是米兰队历史上第一次高潮期,

2. 广场(日本五十铃汽车工业公司):Phoenix || 凤凰(美国通用汽车公司旁蒂克汽车部) | Piazza || 广场(日本五十铃汽车工业公司) | Pinto || 斑马(美国福特汽车公司福特部)

3. 广场牌汽车:Piara 皮亚拉棉 | Piazza 广场牌汽车 | pibecarb 匹贝卡

  • 经典引文

  • She descended the five steps of the back piazza.

    出自:W. Kennedy
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They walked out of the cafeteria, and across the piazza.(他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场。)
There was the favourite rigoletto, or round dance, footed "in piazza" under the blue frosty sky.(有大家喜欢的里戈莱托,或者叫做圈舞,于雾蒙蒙的蓝天下「在广场上」跳了起来。)
It faces a piazza paved with a skull Mosaic designed by Luc Tuymans, an international art star and local resident.(它面前的广场用头骨马赛克铺成,是由国际艺术明星吕克·图伊·曼斯和当地居民设计的。)
Siena's main piazza was one of the sights of Italy.(锡耶纳的主要广场是意大利的名胜之一。)
“Even to speak of ‘the city’ is misleading, ” said Piazza, in an interview with Psychiatric News.(“实际上说到‘这个城市’是种误导”Pizza在与《精神病学新闻》的会谈中表示。)
Another side of SAN Marco piazza.(圣。马克广场上的另一侧。)
"No one walking down St. Charles Street after Katrina could imagine how much the city has come back," said New Orleans novelist Tom Piazza.(“卡特里娜飓风席卷后,行走在圣查尔斯街(St.CharlesStreet)上,没人可以想象今天城市复原的情况,”新奥尔良小说家tomPiazza表示。)
The site is supported by a system of notification alerts, and the average question on Piazza will receive an answer in 14 minutes.(网站由一个消息提醒系统支持,问题得到答案的平均时间为14分钟。)
"We usually think of the shapes of your bones as things that shouldn't be changeable with time," Piazza said.(Piazza说:“我们常常人认为我们骨骼的形状是不会随着时间的推移而改变的。”)
"It takes a team a while to jell," Mike Piazza said.(“要让一个团队合作融洽需要一点时间,”迈克·皮阿扎说。)
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