英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:36:03



英 [pɪ'kɑ:səʊ]

美 [pɪ'kɑ:soʊ]


  • 网络解释

1. Picasso是什么意思

1. 毕卡索:有了名家的好鸽种,犹如灌顶加持,功力大增!叔侄俩是采精兵制的小鸽舍,典型小兵立大功!6月8日NPO查特路518公里12.027羽冠军鸽 NL07-1513702 柯南(Conan) 灰雄:父亲: 毕卡索(Picasso) 夏拉肯作出种鸽

2. Picasso

2. 毕加索/毕加索:梵谷Van Gogh | 毕加索/毕加索Picasso | 粗纸coarse paper

3. Picasso是什么意思

3. 毕加索(西班牙画家):749picaresquea. 以歹徒为题材的 | 750picasso毕加索(西班牙画家) | 751pickn.镐,鹤嘴锄

  • 临近词

Many of them were done by world-famous artists, including four by Pablo Picasso.(其中许多作品是由世界著名艺术家完成的,其中四幅是巴勃罗·毕加索的作品。)
What was Picasso trying to say?(毕加索想告诉我们什么?)
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition?(你看过毕加索的画展吗?)
Alexandra's work was similar in some ways to the paintings by famous artists like Picasso.(亚历山德拉的作品在某些方面与毕加索等著名艺术家的作品相似。)
Picasso also executed several landscapes at Horta de San Juan.(毕加索还在奥尔塔—德圣胡安画了几幅风景画。)
It's doubtful if this painting is a Picasso.(这未必就是毕加索的画。)
Spanish police have revealed that 28 works of art, including one by Picasso, have been stolen from a warehouse in an industrial zone near Madrid.(西班牙警方日前透露,靠近马德里工业区的一座仓库中28幅画作被盗,其中包括毕加索的一幅作品。)
If ever anyone was born to be a painter, Picasso was.(如果有谁天生就是画家,毕加索就是一个。)
Once a very rich man and his son collected valuable paintings by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.(从前有一个非常富有的人和他儿子收集了许多著名画家的名画,如毕加索、梵高和莫奈。)
Picasso was born and educated in Spain.(毕加索出生于西班牙,并在此接受教育。)
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