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英 [pɪkˈtɔ:riəl]

美 [pɪkˈtɔriəl,-ˈtor-]



副词: pictorially 名词: pictoriality

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. a periodical (magazine or newspaper) containing many pictures


1. evoking lifelike images within the mind

e.g. pictorial poetry and prose
graphic accounts of battle
a lifelike portrait
a vivid description

Synonym: graphiclifelikevivid

2. pertaining to or consisting of pictures

e.g. pictorial perspective
pictorial records

Synonym: pictural

1. (用)图片的;(有)插图的
Pictorial means using or relating to pictures.

e.g. ...a pictorial history of the Special Air Service.
e.g. ...pictorial images.

Each section is explained pictorially.

1. pictorial的解释

1. 画报:on location现场拍摄 | pictorial画报 | poster标语牌,布告

2. pictorial的翻译

2. 图解:picosecond 披秒;微微秒 | pictorial 图解 | picture 图片

3. pictorial的反义词

3. 画报;图象:pictorial sketch 示意图 | pictorial 画报;图象 | pictorialization 用图表示

4. pictorial的解释

4. 图示的:pictographic 象形文字的 | pictorial 图示的 | pictorially 绘画般地

  • 经典引文

  • Massing and contrasting lights and darks to gain pictorial animation.

    出自:J. Rosenberg
  • Deals..with what is around him..for his pictorial purposes.

So, what we mean by reading a painting is in reality seeking poetry in its pictorial composition.(我们说读画,实在是在画里寻诗。)
The had insisted on a full pictorial coverage of the event.(他们坚持要对那一事件做详尽的图片报道。)
The pictorial representation of city attractions and services is much easier to interpret than standard language descriptions.(城市旅游景点和设施的图示表示要比标准语言表述更容易理解。)
So he inevitably touches with the spiritual essence of this era of pictorial subsistence.(这样他也就必然触及到了这个图像化生存时代的精神本质。)
You really feel like you're, so to speak, in the pictorial with her.(可以说,你真的有种和她一同站在画面中的感觉。)
The geometrical representation makes the abstract concept pictorial.(几何图象使得抽象概念形象化。)
An interactive pictorial of the load cell AIDS the design process.(一个互动的图案的负荷细胞艾滋病的设计过程。)
Icon: a small pictorial representation of an object or function in a computer display.(图像(图标):在电脑显示器上,代替一个物体划功能的细小图形。)
For despite its costumes and its gestures, it is not really a pictorial art.(先不管它的服装和姿势,它就不是一种上像的艺术。)
Here, psychological and pictorial tension combine to create the feeling of an extraordinary event.(在这里,画家的创意和画面张力的结合,共同创造出对这一场面的非同寻常的感受。)
pictorial是什么意思 pictorial在线翻译 pictorial什么意思 pictorial的意思 pictorial的翻译 pictorial的解释 pictorial的发音 pictorial的同义词