英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:17:09



英 [ˈpaɪnæpl]

美 [ˈpaɪnˌæpəl]



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  • 凤梨
  • 菠萝
  • 手榴弹
  • 炸弹
  • 波罗
  • 凤梨科(Bromeliaceae)的
  • [U][C]菠萝,凤梨 (the sweet juicy yellow flesh of) a large dark yellow tropical fruit with a mass of thin stiff leaves on top



1. large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves
widely cultivated

Synonym: ananas

2. a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves
widely cultivated in the tropics

Synonym: pineapple plantAnanas comosus

1. 菠萝;凤梨
A pineapple is a large oval fruit that grows in hot countries. It is sweet, juicy, and yellow inside. It has a thick brownish skin.

1. pineapple的近义词

1. 菠萝:菠萝(Pineapple) 菠萝(Pineapple)香蕉(Banana) 香蕉(Banana) 香蕉属芭蕉科,多年生草本植物,广泛产于亚洲热带地区. 香蕉生长很快,一年四季均有生产,香蕉为长圆条形,果皮易剥落,果肉呈黄白色,无种子,质地柔软,口味芳香甘甜. 菠萝(Pineapple) 菠萝(Pineapple)

2. 凤梨:凤梨抽出物对气喘病患有帮助~~ 凤梨 (Pineapple) 的成分-凤梨酵素(bromelain)减少与气喘相关联的发炎反应. 在美国自然疗法医生协会上,研究人员在会议上发表一项针对老鼠的研究,他们发现补充凤梨酵素能明显减少肺部发炎的参数.

3. pineapple

3. 萝:有点可惜的是,芒果(Mango)进了9月份就越来越少了,我还得再盼着来年;菠萝(pineapple)、香蕉(banana)全年不缺;木瓜最近也旺得很,不晓得是不是也全年无休.

4. 梨:十二月生日花占卜 凤梨(Pineapple) 花语:完美 花占卜:你是一个近乎完美的人,有丰富的学识,仪表出众,而且善于交际,你的朋友应该不少. 虽然如此,你缺乏知心好友,原因是你一直以高傲的心对待他人. 至于爱情,也是因为你的理想过高,

  • 常用例句

  • She sliced the pineapple.
  • The pineapples were divided among the children.
It tasted like cherry tart, pineapple, roast turkey and toast all the things that she liked to eat so she drank some more.(它尝起来像樱桃馅饼、菠萝、烤火鸡和吐司——所有这些她喜欢吃的东西,所以她又喝了一些。)
The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin mining in Perak, tobacco planting, and pineapple-picking in Penang.(来自马来半岛的风景包括橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、烟草种植园、槟榔屿的菠萝采摘。)
I'll have a pineapple juice, please.(请给我来一杯菠萝汁吧。)
Each was given a pineapple.(每人给了一个菠萝。)
The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana, mango, and pineapple.(这种树能结出美味的可食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。)
We should quarter the pineapple.(我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份。)
I would like ham and pineapple.(我要火腿和菠萝。)
More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple.(10多年前,要买到好吃的菠萝是很难的。)
He won't take pineapple juice.(他不肯喝菠萝汁。)
The brownie and pineapple cheesecake have a marginal value, because their value is at the limit of their sign constraints.(布朗尼和菠萝芝士蛋糕都有一个临界值,因为它们的值受到了符号约束的限制。)
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