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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:19:31



英 [ˈplæŋktən]

美 [ˈplæŋktən]


形容词: planktonic

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1. the aggregate of small plant and animal organisms that float or drift in great numbers in fresh or salt water

1. 浮游生物
Plankton is a mass of tiny animals and plants that live in the surface layer of the sea.

e.g. ...its usual diet of plankton and other small organisms.

1. 浮游生物:浮游生物 浮游生物(Plankton)的定义:生活在水中不具有泳动能力或是泳动能力微弱无法抵抗水流,其移动方式大至为随波逐流进行横向长距离移动,上下迁移则是例用身体密度的调节或是利用微弱的泳动能力完成.

2. 浮游动物:多为多年生草本植物.④隐芽植物(Cryptophytes) 更新芽位於较深土层中或水中,多为鳞茎类,块茎类和根茎类多年生草本植物或水生植物.一年生植物(Therophytes) 以种子越冬.1.浮游动物(plankton2.水生生物群落 游泳动物(nekton

3. plankton是什么意思

3. (总称)浮游动物:photosynthesis光合作用 | plankton(总称)浮游动物 | coverage新闻报道

4. plankton的近义词

4. 漂浮虫:1160,PIERE,工蚁 | 1161,PLANKTON,漂浮虫 | 1162,RAFFLESIA,草精

Some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton.(有些地区虽然富含氮化合物,但浮游生物却很少。)
The fish live on the plankton.(这种鱼以浮游生物为主食。)
Doubts about how deep the plankton would sink have raised questions on how permanent a solution it would be.(对浮游生物能下沉多深的疑问使人们质疑这个方法在长期内的有效性。)
So we know this plankton is very dange rous.(可见浮游生物是非常很快死亡。)
Plankton provides food for some of the smallest and biggest animals on the planet, including the Blue Whale.(浮游生物为地球上一些最小和最大的动物(其中包括蓝鲸)提供食物。)
Dump iron into the sea to boost plankton growth and soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.(向海洋中倾倒铁以促进浮游生物生长来吸收大气中的二氧化碳。)
The gentle giants are filter feeders, swimming with their wide mouths open to collect plankton and small fish.(它——温和的巨人,是滤食动物,通过在游泳时张大嘴巴来捕食浮游生物与小鱼。)
A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton.(一只海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。)
It has large color photographs of sea animals, from plankton to clownfish to orcas.(在书里,有着许多海洋动物的彩色照片,从浮游生物到小丑鱼乃至逆戟鲸。)
Most marine deposits from around the world contain either plankton or a lot of fern spores but not both together in the same layer.(世界上大多数的海洋沉积物不是含有浮游生物就是含有大量的蕨类孢子,但它们并不是同时存在于同一层中。)
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