英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈpɪlə(r)]

美 [ˈpɪlɚ]



过去式: pillared 过去分词: pillared 现在分词: pillaring 第三人称单数: pillars

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  • 台柱
  • 柱状物
  • 栋梁
  • 【建】墩
  • 柱子
  • 纪念柱
  • 支柱
  • 矿柱
  • 煤柱
  • 栋梁台柱
  • 【矿】煤柱矿柱
  • 柱脚
  • 柱石
  • 中坚
  • 用柱支持
  • 用柱子装饰
  • 成为…的栋梁
  • 用柱加固
  • [C]柱,支柱 a tall upright round post used as a support for a roof
  • [C]台柱,栋梁 an important member and active support



1. (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure

Synonym: column

2. a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument)

Synonym: column

3. a fundamental principle or practice

e.g. science eroded the pillars of superstition

4. a prominent supporter

e.g. he is a pillar of the community

Synonym: mainstay

5. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower

e.g. the test tube held a column of white powder
a tower of dust rose above the horizon
a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite

Synonym: columntower

1. 柱;柱子
A pillar is a tall solid structure, which is usually used to support part of a building.

e.g. ...the pillars supporting the roof.

2. (制度、协议等的)支柱,核心
If something is the pillar of a system or agreement, it is the most important part of it or what makes it strong and successful.

e.g. The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply.
e.g. ...the last pillar of apartheid.

3. 中坚;栋梁;台柱
If you describe someone as a pillar of society or as a pillar of the community, you approve of them because they play an important and active part in society or in the community.

e.g. My father had been a pillar of the community.
e.g. ...well-respected pillars of society.

1. 支柱:2、以五大支柱(pillar)为核心,遵循一定的步骤(包括整个工厂TPM的推展,及每个支柱的活动),体系化地开展TPM活动;TPM推行中,支柱(pillar)是一个很重要的概念,它是TPM各项改善活动推展的组织者.

2. 柱:该车在技术方面的先进性及挑战性确实令人钦佩,但也有不足之处,而且本田还没有找到解决办法. 为了追求赏心悦目的外观并同时确保冲撞时的安全性能,便要保持车内较大的空间,其结果便是,前面A柱(pillar)产生的弯曲造成了车内的死角.

3. 柱子:這個pier是屬於DuCoMi椰子加工廠的出货码头,建設至今至少20年的历史,分為大小2個pier,但相距只有不到50米,小pier的柱子(pillar)只有10多根,大Pier则有数十根,水深3~18米,每根柱子直徑至少2公尺,滿布各种五颜六色的软珊瑚、海綿、海樹、海鞭及海扇,

4. pillar

4. 立柱:目前在日本,宇部DIEPREST工艺被多数的大型汽车制造商应用在汽车内饰件的生产中,特别在汽车的门护板(DOOR TRIM)、立柱(PILLAR)、后衣帽架(REAR TRAY)等贴表皮类成形件生产方面.

  • 常用短语

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  • 经典引文

    四处奔走,到处碰壁from one place or difficulty to another
  • I fell asleep against a pillar.
  • He was a pillar of the club for over thirty years.30
用作名词 (n.)
  • I saw, issuing from a squat chimney..a pillar of black smoke.

    出自:Jan Morris
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古法语的piler,意为柱子;最初源自拉丁语的pila,意为柱子。
From a practical aspect this protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar.(从实用的角度来看,这保护了雕像,让它们不破裂,并在心理上赋予形象一种强壮有力的感觉,这种感觉通常又被一个在后方支撑的柱子加强。)
Is the answer that, like a tall pine tree, the Japanese pagoda—with its massive trunk-like central pillar known as shinbashira—simply flexes and sways during a typhoon or earthquake?(答案会不会是这样:日本宝塔——由于有着一根叫做“塔心柱”的巨大树干状中心柱子——就像一棵高大的松树般,在一场台风或地震中仅仅只会来回摇摆和弯曲呢?)
The father kept behind a pillar, so that he might not be seen.(他父亲,惟恐人家看见他,便待在这柱子后面。)
Consumption has become a central pillar of life in industrial lands and is even embedded in social values.(消费已成为工业地区生活的一个核心支柱,甚至已深植于社会价值观中。)
Pillar lay in bed, unable to speak and know anybody around.(皮勒躺在床上,说不出话来,也不认识周围的人。)
The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.(柱子挡着,我们看不见舞台。)
But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.(罗得的妻子在后边回头一看,就变成了一根盐柱。)
And what is the role of the shinbashira, the central pillar?(这些被称为“shinbashira”的中心支柱的作用是什么?)
There is a pillar box at the street corner.(胡同拐角处有个邮筒。)
The pillar is a little tilted.(柱子有点斜。)
pillar是什么意思 pillar在线翻译 pillar什么意思 pillar的意思 pillar的翻译 pillar的解释 pillar的发音 pillar的同义词