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更新时间:2025-03-10 18:19:38
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1. The workers will come to my house every week to check on the plant.

2. An individual contract system will be introduced whereby house holds are assigned tasks, receive subsidies and own the trees and other vegetation they plant.

3. She rented a villager's private house as an illegal plant to produce fireworks without having obtained a license in advance.

4. The plant is targeted to run by late 2010 and is expected to house about 500 workers.

1. plant house的翻译

1. The author describes the technologies of treatment and reuse of waster water high in Zinc and acid which is produced by the tank house of Zinc plant, and suggests that a new technology called UF-NF membrane separation should be used in this purpose.

2. To hang a sprig of this strange plant in a house at Christmas is to attract young men to kiss young women beneath it, each time plucking one of the berries from the sprig.

3. She could still do all the work she'd ever done - keep the house going, plant and weed the garden, drive the truck when needed - though maybe she wasn't as speedy at some tasks, as she once was.

4. The single mechanical seals of five PHP pumps, nine PLA pumps, two THD pumps and nine ZA pumps in the acetic acid plant were changed into dual mechanical seals based on not changing main parts such as casing, impeller, shaft, bearings house etc. to solve the leakage problems of flammable, explosive, poisonous, harmful substances, such as acetic acid, methyl iodide, hydroiodic acid, and propionic acid etc.

5. Lucky bamboo is a great house plant for people on the go.

6. The experiment was conducted in the green house of Wageningen in the Netherlands in order to determine the minimum lethal herbicide dosage of photosynthesis-inhibiting herbicide, bentazone and terbuthylazine, on six weed species with plant photosynthetic meter.

7. A person's house, one of the world can speak loudly telephone, and the ledge of flowers Caoer words, naked:: Kwong think could die if the U. S. dream of a plant root in the pathway to Shenna today

8. Though you betroth a wife, another man will have her. Though you build a house, you will not live in it. Though you plant a vineyard, you will not enjoy its fruits.

9. Mayst thou take a wife, and another sleep with her. Mayst thou build a house, and not dwell therein. Mayest thou plant a vineyard and not gather the vintage thereof.

10. I am the princess in our small world. we have a dream, we can have a house with a garden, maybe we can plant some tomato.

11. Anti-corrosion-day plant in historical and cultural city Qin Yang Huaiqing House, is located too Luo Road, Jiaozhitielu the Interchange, is the country's main glass steel products production base.

12. Feed water tank in Boiler House b. Cooling Tower basin of Solvent Extraction Plant c. Cooling Tower basin of Refinery d. Overhead water tank through the water treatment plant.
饲料水箱在锅炉房湾冷却塔盆地溶剂萃取植物角冷却塔盆地炼油 4高架水箱通过污水处理厂。


13. While these foundation we use a very modern symbol of the spherical steel plant, we feel out China factory atmosphere, our original intention, through you, to the sales offices of feelings, you may not be my client, you do not necessarily here to your house, but you may read the sales offices of the process of achieving your understanding of Chinese culture course, Wanju actually mean that the Chinese culture baptism.

14. An American will build a house in which to pass his old age and sell it before the roof is on; he will plant a garden and rent it just as the trees are coming into bearing; he will clear a field and leave others to reap the harvest; he will take up a profession and leave it, settle in one place and soon go off elsewhere with his changing desires.

15. The main construction contents are as follows: 1. The technical indexes will reach the demand for scale production to develop a fast breeding technical system. A tissue culture lab of 200m2 will be set up. The staff for operating and managing tissue culture seedlings will be trained. 2. A seedling breeding house of 600m2 will be set up to trial produce improved tissue culture seedlings. 3. A facility cultivation base of 25 mu will be set up to plant broadleaf forest with the sale income of 4, 000, 000 yuan. 4. A 200-mu broadleaf forest will be planted for small production with the sale income of 5, 600, 000 yuan.

16. If I were you, I would plant some trees around the house.

17. I have a house plant accompanied me, I have 17 pots of cactus taught me strong.

18. House spider plant, ivy is green all year round.

19. They're in the plant house.

20. In kaixin, people can plant, feed, sell car, buy the house and so on.

Where are the flowers? They're in the plant house.(花朵在哪里?它们在暖房里。)
Spider plants are like the honey badgers of the house plant world.(蜘蛛草就像是室内植物世界里的蜜獾。)
Let's plant trees around the house.(让我们在房子周围栽上树。)
I usually leave home before my wife is awake so I will plant different small presents around the house and yard with a clue leading her from one gift to the next.(我常在妻子醒之前离开房间,把小礼物埋在庭院周围的各个地方,留下一点线索,引导着她发现一个又一个礼物。)
She bent hard on the path to the house, balling her fists and pumping them through the brambles and honeysuckle, not even caring if one plant stung and the other sweetened.(走在屋前小径上时,她使劲弯着腰,握起拳头一路捶打着荆棘和忍冬,根本不在意是否一种刺人一种迷人。)
In the Danziger case, for instance, a detective allegedly drove another investigator to his house to procure what he called a "ham sandwich" : a gun to plant at the scene.(例如,据称在Danziger案中,一名侦探迫使另一位探员去他家里,得到他所称的“鸡腿三明治”:一把为栽赃而放在现场的枪。)
The project is consisted of a modern hoggery, goose house and methane power plant.(该项目由现代化养猪场、现代化养鹅场、以及沼气发电厂组成。)
If you have a live aloe vera plant in the house, cut the leaf lengthwise and remove the pulp - avoid the yellow juice near the leaf surface.(如果你在家里养了芦荟,你可以纵向的切开它的叶子,把果肉切掉,注意不要移除叶子表面的黄色液汁。)
The thieves had planned to plant the stolen, watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.(这伙小偷打算在警察来搜查房子时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的一名房客身上。)
Now a rare 'lost' species of the plant, thought to have died out 50 years ago, is causing a buzz after being unearthed at a country house in Dorset.(这种物种被认为50年前就已经灭绝了,现在又在多西特的一个乡村住宅里被发现,自然会引起大家的热烈讨论。)
plant house是什么意思 plant house在线翻译 plant house什么意思 plant house的意思 plant house的翻译 plant house的解释 plant house的发音 plant house的同义词