英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:28:09



英 [ˈpɔ:treɪt]

美 [ˈpɔ:rtrət]



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  • 肖像,画像,雕塑像,半身(画)像,肖像画
  • 相片
  • 描绘,写照,(人物)描写
  • 相似的形象
  • 雕像
  • 类型
  • 模型,标本
  • (文件页面)竖式的,纵向打印格式的
  • 竖式地,纵向打印地
  • 描绘,描写
  • [C]肖像,画像 a painting, drawing, or photograph of a real people or group of people
  • [C]生动的描写 vivid description


1. any likeness of a person, in any medium

e.g. the photographer made excellent portraits

Synonym: portrayal

2. a word picture of a person's appearance and character

Synonym: portrayalportraiture

1. 肖像;画像
A portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a particular person.

e.g. Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a portrait of the Queen.
e.g. ...the English portrait painter Augustus John.

2. 描绘;描写;描述
A portrait of a person, place, or thing is a verbal description of them.

e.g. ...this gripping, funny portrait of Jewish life in 1950s London.

1. 画像:对画像(Portrait)使用幻真术,进入画中与商人交谈. 当问到哈尔波是谁时,回答是他未婚妻的传话人(I'm a massenger from your wife-to-be当问及他要什么时,回答要他的斗篷(She wants your magic amulet),问她临睡时最喜欢听的故事是什么时,

2. portrait什么意思

2. 肖像:为了制作一个计划命名为<>(Portrait)的纪录片,他在列侬位于英国的家中拍摄了那盘录像带. 它记录了列侬在1970年2月8日到11日间的生活场景,它显示这位摇滚乐巨人一边写着歌曲<>和<>,一边露骨地谈论吸毒.

3. 肖像画:从古希腊肖像画(portrait)演变而来,其内容多以<>为主,特点是线条明快,构图简洁,着色深厚,人物表情慈祥,温柔,其著名之作乃12世纪君士坦丁堡的<>.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • She put up a portrait on the wall.
  • These portraits are great pieces of art.
  • The article gives a detailed portrait of a great soldier.
用作名词 (n.)
  • There were portraits of all the Austrian Emperors.

    出自:M. Muggeridge
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

portrait, drawing, painting, photo, picture
  • 这组词的共同意思是“画”。其区别是:
  • drawing指“素描”或“工程图纸”。例如:
  • This is a drawing in pencil.这是一幅铅笔素描。
  • We produced a working drawing.我们绘制了一幅施工图。
  • painting多指油画。例如:
  • There are many paintings in the room.这间屋子里有很多油画。
  • 在表示水彩画时,用drawing或painting均可。例如:
  • This is a water-colour drawing〔painting〕.这是一幅水彩画。
  • photo指“照片”。例如:
  • I have some photos taken in my hometown.我有一些在家乡拍的照片。
  • picture指各种“画,照片或影片”。例如:
  • He has collected some famous pictures.他收集了一些名画。
  • May I take your picture?我可以为你拍张照片吗?
  • Let's go and see a good picture.我们去看一部好电影吧。
  • portrait指“(人物)肖像”。例如:
  • This portrait looks real.这幅肖像简直像真的。
    • ☆ 直接源自中古法语的portrait;最初源自古法语的portret,意为描绘。
    Because I feel like a portrait is an answer to a question which is, "What was this person like?"(因为我觉得肖像是这样一个问题的答案,那就是“这个人是什么样的?”)
    They said the paint used was also characteristic of that period, as was the intricate and costly style of the lace ruff worn by the man in the portrait.(他们说,像肖像画里男人所穿戴的复杂而又昂贵的蕾丝飞边那样,所用的颜料也具有那个时期的特征。)
    Still, there were other ways of comporting the body that did not become winning portrait formulas.(不过,还有其他的身体运动方式没有成为成功的肖像公式。)
    Statement and portrait together form a single image of a thinker.(陈述和肖像一起构成了一位思想家的独有形象。)
    Art photography kind of took its place, so you can imagine that a portrait artist, would have had a hard time finding acceptance.(艺术摄影取代了它的位置,所以你可以想到,一个肖像艺术家会变得很难被接受。)
    Today, she is still considered one of the greatest portrait painters of her time, male or female.(时至今日,她仍然被认为是那个时代最伟大的肖像画家之一,不管是男性画家还是女性画家。)
    Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete — the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature.(摄影确实使某些种类的绘画过时了——银版照相几乎使微型肖像消失了。)
    As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."(正如这幅画的传记作者唐纳德·沙逊枯燥无味地指出,“实际上,这种效果可以从任何一幅肖像画中获得。”)
    I was wondering if that was unusual to have a portrait artist who is a woman become so well-known and successful in the 19th century.(我想知道女性肖像画家在19世纪如此出名和成功,是否是很不寻常的。)
    One day, a rich man asked him to paint a portrait for him and promised to pay him 10,000 dollars.(一天,一个富人请他为他画一幅肖像画,并答应付给他一万美元。)
    portrait是什么意思 portrait在线翻译 portrait什么意思 portrait的意思 portrait的翻译 portrait的解释 portrait的发音 portrait的同义词