英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈkʌmli]

美 [ˈkʌmli]


比较级: comelier 最高级: comeliest 名词: comeliness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. very pleasing to the eye

e.g. my bonny lass
there's a bonny bay beyond
a comely face
young fair maidens

Synonym: bonnybonniefairsightly

2. according with custom or propriety

e.g. her becoming modesty
comely behavior
it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
a decent burial
seemly behavior

Synonym: becomingcomme il fautdecentdecorousseemly

1. (女子)标致的,秀丽的
A comely woman is attractive.

1. 秀丽的:come 来 | comely 秀丽的 | home 家

2. comely的意思

2. 清秀的:comeliness 清秀 | comely 清秀的 | comer 来者

3. 美丽的:homely平凡的 | comely美丽的 | comity礼仪


4. 标致的:come 来 | comely 标致的 | comer 来者

  • 经典引文

  • A good and comely life.

    出自:R. Hoggart
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.(你们要赞美耶和华,因歌颂我们的神为善为美。赞美的话是合宜的。)
She is a most comely young woman .(她是个非常漂亮的年轻女子。)
Comely also the moss.(苔藓也清秀。)
The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.(这个姑娘身材佼好,面容清秀。)
First, burst onto the scene with some bold, voice-of-the-generation debut—preferably with a comely author photo.(首先,在文艺界以大胆表露情感,代表时代之声的形象如惊雷般亮相出场——最好再有着英俊的长相。)
He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.(他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容。)
But our comely members have no need.(至于我们俊美的肢体,就不需要了。)
Fair flower, that dost so comely grow.(美好的花啊,你长得这么秀丽。)
The comely young golf caddie who was also the third wife of Nasrudin tantalized the media all year.(这个漂亮的年轻的高尔夫球童,就是Nasrudin的第三任妻子,逗弄了媒体一整年。)
On the screen appeared a girl of comely face.(屏幕上出现了一个清秀的女孩的脸。)
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