英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [pəʊˈzɜ:(r)]

美 [poʊˈzɜ:(r)]



  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

Synonym: poser

1. 装模作样的人:406. populace: 民众,老百姓. | 407. poseur: 装模作样的人. | 408. posse: 民防团.

2. 装模作样:poser 装腔作势者 | poseur 装模作样 | posh 豪华的

3. 装腔作势的人:porusplastic 多孔塑料 | poser 装腔作势者 | poseur 装腔作势的人

4. 装腔作势的人,伪装者:friseur (为女人理发的)理发师,美容师 | poseur 装腔作势的人,伪装者 | masseur 按摩师,捶背师

  • 经典引文

  • Eleanor Bron's disastrous Elena converts that passive enchantress into an assertive Bloomsbury poseuse.

  • Class enemies, liberal poseurs who had sold out to the dreaded ethnic minorities.

    出自:P. Booth
She is a poseur girl.(她是个装模作样的女孩。)
If the armor is pink, the hair is pink, and even the Epic Mount is pink; you probably have a poseur on your hands.(衣服是粉红色,头发是粉红色,连史诗坐骑都是粉红色,你八成是碰到人妖了。)
I am sometimes accused of being a poseur.(我有时被人说成是一个装模作样的人。)
Restaurant owners don't have friends. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.(餐馆的老板没有朋友,人们会毫无疑问地把你视为装腔作势的人。)
Many people believe that , as matter of fact , Japanese today's is the real McCoy of Chinese civilization , but today's Chinese is merely a poseur .(事实上,许多(日本人)人相信今日的日本人才是中国古文明真正的传承者,而今日的中国人却是地地道道的假冒伪劣产品。)
I am sometimes accused of being an inveterate poseur.(有时有人说我惯于装模作样。)
I can tell he a poseur.(我看出他是个装模作样的人。)
He had been railed against by them as a prig and a poseur.(他们责骂他是一个沾沾自喜、装腔作势的人。)
He's a poseur and never actually writes anything.(他们是装腔作势的人,实际上从来不写任何东西。)
poseur是什么意思 poseur在线翻译 poseur什么意思 poseur的意思 poseur的翻译 poseur的解释 poseur的发音 poseur的同义词