英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:29:31
  • 英英释义

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1. all future generations

2. all of the offspring of a given progenitor

e.g. we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity

Synonym: descendants

1. 后裔;子孙;后代
You can refer to everyone who will be alive in the future as posterity .

e.g. A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity...
e.g. Was he making these notes for the benefit of posterity?

1. posterity的意思

1. 子孙后代:photojournalism 摄影新闻工作 | posterity 子孙后代 | rip 撕,扯


2. 子孙,后裔:14. orthodontist:正牙医生 | 15. be in vogue:正在流行 | 16. posterity: 子孙,后裔

3. posterity的近义词

3. 後代:Possession Point 占领角 | posterity 后代 | Potemkin, G.A. 包坦金

4. posterity是什么意思

4. 后裔:posteriorly 其次地 | posterity 后裔 | postern 后门

  • 经典引文

  • Thy posterite shalbe as the grasse vpon the earth.

    出自:Bible (Coverdale): Job
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

We thought we were documenting it for posterity, but there they are, haunting me with an exactness that doesn’t even scratch the surface.(我们以为自己是在为子孙保存纪录,但它们只是忠实地记录了我没刮胡子的样子。)
Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity.(幸亏现场有人还保持着清醒的头脑,迅速拿出相机捕捉到这一幕,将这个肥皂泡动物的瞬间永远记录下来。)
As he attempted to preserve it for posterity, doctors later managed to sew it back on.(随后医生们计划把它给缝回去了,而他想把它留给后世。)
That rashness was taught a lesson. Posterity is glad to quote her remark, but forgets to judge it.(这种轻率和莽撞倒是给她上了一课,因为后代之人乐于引用她的话,却忘记了对此作出评判。)
Mme Roland is indifferent to posterity.(罗兰夫人于是对后代的问题也冷淡漠然。)
Their music has been preserved for posterity.(他们的音乐已为后世保存起来。)
Dare not boast of good, frighten posterity never boast become don't talk.(敢说大话的人得不到好下场,吓得后人从不说大话变成不说话。)
He declared himself to be "torn" between his obligations to posterity and to his father's shade.(他宣称自己在作为子孙的责任和父亲的阴影之间左右为难。)
I am now to the point where I have decided that I should have PBDJ formally publish this story for posterity.(所以我决定将这篇东西正式地发布在PBDJ(注:pbdj.sys-con.com)上,以便使更多的后来人能了解PB的故事。)
But posterity has no vote.(但是子孙后代们现在无法投票。)
posterity是什么意思 posterity在线翻译 posterity什么意思 posterity的意思 posterity的翻译 posterity的解释 posterity的发音 posterity的同义词