英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [səkˈsesə(r)]

美 [səkˈsɛsɚ]



If there were a plausible successor, Mr Abbas should make way.(如果有能言善辩的继任者,阿巴斯就应让贤。)
Mr. Olsen has always avoided anointing any successor.(奥尔森先生总是避免指定任何继任者。)
Mosaic, introduced in 1992, has been replaced by much more powerful Internet browsers such as its successor Netscape or Microsoft's Internet Explorer.(Mosaic于1992年推出,现已被Netscape或Microsoft的InternetExplorer等功能强大得多的互联网浏览器所取代。)
She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.(人们普遍认为她是现任领导的当然继任者。)
He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor.(他被赶下台,由一个比较容易摆布的继任者取代。)
When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor.(坎贝尔公司的董事长退休时,麦戈文被被提名为其继任者。)
Wuojiaill Mr Tata's successor even be an Indian?(塔塔先生的继承人甚至会是印度人吗?)
He has been using Britain's presidency of the G8 rich nations' club to harangue other global leaders on the need for a successor treatyto Kyoto.(他一直利用英国担任G8富国俱乐部主席国的机会,对其他全球领导人大声疾呼,认为有必要制定一个接替《京都议定书》的条约。)
President Hoover's successor attached even more importance to this problem.(胡佛总统的继任者更加重视这个问题。)
Thiam is Tucker’s successor at Prudential.(谭天忠正是塔克在保诚保险的继任者。)
  • 详情解释

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  • 继任者
  • 接替的事物
  • 继承人
  • 后续的事物
  • 接班人
  • 顶替者
  • 衍生物
  • 代替者
  • 后继块
  • [C] 接替的人或事物,继任者,继承人 person or thing that comes after and takes the place of (sb/sth)


1. a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone

2. a person who inherits some title or office

Synonym: heir

3. a person who follows next in order

e.g. he was President Lincoln's successor

Synonym: replacement

1. 接任者;继承者
Someone's successor is the person who takes their job after they have left.

e.g. He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors...
e.g. ...several critics hailed him then as the greatest living Scottish poet, the natural successor to his old friend Hugh MacDiarmid.

1. 后继站:.后继站(successor) 后继站是用于执行分组转发的邻接路由器,它有到目的地的最小成本路径,该路径保证不是路由选择环路的一部分. 同步(synchronization)在发送方和接收方之间共同信号时钟的建立.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • When will they name a successor?
用作名词 (n.)
  • Members started..looking for a successor to Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita.

    出自:Japan Times
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

successor是什么意思 successor在线翻译 successor什么意思 successor的意思 successor的翻译 successor的解释 successor的发音 successor的同义词