The short, potbellied little man was happily married.(这位身材矮小、大腹便便的壮年人婚姻十分美满。)
But there’s a joke buried in our wonderment: we all anthropomorphize our pets, finding spirit, even conscience, in beautiful collies, in cool, blue-eyed Siamese cats, in potbellied pigs.(在我们惊叹于它的灵活的背后却有些讽刺:我们都将宠物拟人化——我们在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神,甚至是良心,而不是在人群中感受到这些。)
The air is clean, stars are visible in their spangled glory at night, and in the fall and winter a roaring fire in a potbellied stove is complete bliss.(这里空气清新,星星在夜空中闪烁光芒,秋冬季节的大炉子里熊熊燃烧的火苗都是一种幸福的享受。)
The two room elementary school building was a matter-of-fact structure with black, oiled wooden floors and potbellied iron stoves.(小学是一个只有两间房的建筑,朴素实用的结构,黑色油漆的木地板,大腹便便的铁炉。)
He envied and hated them at the same time, especially the men, who looked just like the rich, potbellied businessmen that he so despised.(这一切,都使范博文又妒又恨,特别是那些男子都像他所憎厌的布尔乔亚大腹贾。)
The house was lighted by coal-oil lamps and heated by potbellied stoves.(屋子用煤油灯照明,用一个炉膛突出的火炉取暖。)
No one will be concerned about these unless one is from where the soul, you only need to meet those potbellied rich.(没有人会关注这些苦功究竟来自哪里的灵魂,只需要满足那些大腹便便的富人就好。)
It seems that pregnancy travel inconvenience and potbellied image which took all the hard works will resolve with the growth of son.(似乎怀孕时的行走不便,大腹便便的形象,带孩子时的所有辛苦都化解在儿子的成长中了。)
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