英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [prækˈtɪʃənə(r)]

美 [prækˈtɪʃənɚ]



  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 实践者
  • 从事者
  • 开业者
  • 信仰疗法的术士
  • 练习者
  • 实习者
  • 老手
  • 策士
  • 策划阴谋者
  • 开业医师
  • 习艺者
  • 从业人员
  • 专门人才
  • 从业者
  • 开业医生
  • 基督教科学派医治者
  • [C]从业者(尤指医师) person who practises a profession,especially medicine



1. someone who practices a learned profession

Synonym: practician

1. 执业医生
Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners .

1. 从业者:要知道催化师与其他临近行业从业者(practitioner)的差异,必须要弄清以下三个概念:. 管理咨询师是某个管理领域的专家,他会根据从客户方了解的情况,结合自身的经验和公司的方法论,来提供系统解决方案;然而催化师不提供系统解决方案,

2. practitioner的翻译

2. 实践者:ITIL基础认证考试面向 IT 服务管理领域工作的人士. 获得基础认证也是获取 ITIL 实践者(Practitioner)和 ITIL 经理(Service Manager)认证的先决条件.

3. practitioner

3. 实际工作者:生产能力 capacity to produce | 实际工作者 practitioner | 最终结果 end result


4. 从业者、信仰疗法术士:3. geomancy:泥土占卜,抓沙散地,按其所成象以断吉凶 | 4. practitioner:从业者、信仰疗法术士 | 5. harness:利用

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • She was a medical practitioner before she entered politics.
  • Nietzsche was not much of a practitioner of 'the will to power'; he only described it.

    出自:J. P. Stern
  • He..trained for the Law, of which he was always a diligent and methodical practitioner.

    出自:R. Christiansen
Harvest practitioner models to project models.(获取到项目模型的执行者模型。)
You're likely to start by first seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner.(首先你可能会去看家庭医生或全科医生。)
They are the best judge if the Agile Practitioner is good in(要判断他敏捷相关的能力是否高超,这些人是最佳人选。)
This is an entertaining book, enriched by the insights of an experienced practitioner.(本书妙趣横生,这位阅历丰富人士的见识为其增添了光彩。)
I started my blog as a practitioner at Hitachi.(作为实践者,我在日立工作时开始写博客。)
In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained.(事实上,它们是处方药,需按一定的剂量配给——一个经过训练的医生所能理解的剂量。)
Life cycle of project and practitioner models.(项目和执行者模型的生命周期。)
At Columbia, he was trained as a nurse practitioner.(在哥伦比亚,他被训练成一名执业护士。)
The same policy decision would be made for the project-to-practitioner relationship.(项目到支持者关系也需作出相同的选择决定。)
Firstly you should provide context, both for the practice and the practitioner.(首先,你需要为实践和实践者提供环境。)
practitioner是什么意思 practitioner在线翻译 practitioner什么意思 practitioner的意思 practitioner的翻译 practitioner的解释 practitioner的发音 practitioner的同义词