英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:44:13



英 [prɑ:ns]

美 [præns]



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副词: prancingly 名词: prancer 过去式: pranced 过去分词: pranced 现在分词: prancing 第三人称单数: prances

  • 英英释义

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1. a proud stiff pompous gait

Synonym: strutswagger


1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

e.g. He struts around like a rooster in a hen house

Synonym: tittupswaggerrufflestrutsashaycock

2. ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward

3. cause (a horse) to bound spring forward

4. spring forward on the hind legs

e.g. The young horse was prancing in the meadow

1. 大摇大摆地行走;神气活现地行走
If someone prances around, they walk or move around with exaggerated movements, usually because they want people to look at them and admire them.

e.g. He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.

2. (马)腾跃,奔驰
When a horse prances, it moves with quick, high steps.

e.g. Their horses pranced and whinnied.
e.g. ...as the carriage horses pranced through the bustling thoroughfares.


1. 腾跃:pram 婴儿车 | prance 腾跃 | prandial 膳食的

2. prance

2. 昂首阔步的走:shamble 蹒跚地走 | prance 昂首阔步的走 | scamper 蹦蹦跳地走

3. 马腾跃:prance 使腾跃 | prance 马腾跃 | pranceasahorse 骧

4. 使腾跃:pramidex 甲碘丁脲 | prance 使腾跃 | prance 马腾跃

  • 经典引文

  • The Postilon's Horse was rather restive and pranced about a little.

    出自:J. Woodforde
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I expected a band of unicorns to prance through the streets, for archangels to play trumpets, for a spontaneous firework show.(那时我总是盼望着一支由独角兽组成的乐队跃过街道;希望自己能为大天使吹奏小号;期待着能看到一场自动的烟火表演。)
I hope with my hand to erase your sadness, I hope my tenderness to warm your heart, I want to hold your hand to enjoy the rural scenery, I hope the dream steps can fly with a I prance!(我希望用我的手来抹平你的忧伤,我希望用我的柔情来温暖你的心房,我希望能牵着你的手去欣赏田园风光,我希望梦想的脚步能带着我腾跃飞翔!)
Mr. Prance hopes that his invention will not merely be more comfortable than today's electrode-based detectors, but will also be able to do new things.(Prance先生希望他的发明不仅仅是比现代基于电极的探测器更舒适,而且还能做一些新的事情。)
Ghiscari men like to prance about in horns.(吉斯卡里男人就喜欢神气活现的拿着号角走来走去。)
Trev: I don't want to go watch a bunch of Irish people prance around on stage.(崔佛:我不想看一群爱尔兰人在舞台上跳来跳去。)
If we had every klutz jump into the orchestra pit, or prance on the opera stage, or slop paint with Picasso, we would have some great parties but no art.(如果我们让每一个笨手笨脚的人都跳进乐池,或在歌剧舞台上腾跳,或与毕加索一起泼洒涂料,我们可能会造就一些不错的聚会,但绝不是艺术。)
I expected a band of unicorns to prance through the streets, for archangels to play trumpets, for a spontaneous firework show. It wasn't really like that.(那时我总是盼望着一支由独角兽组成的乐队跃过街道;希望自己能为大天使吹奏小号;期待着能看到一场自动的烟火表演。可是现实并不是真的如我所想的那样。)
One by one, the village girls married the local lads, and up the path to the church they'd prance, smiling all the way.(村里的姑娘一个接一个嫁给了当地的小伙子,她们昂首阔步地走上通往教堂的小路,一路上面带微笑。)
Prance your little heart out.(欢脱点,让小心脏雀跃起来。)
They are descended from hunting dogs and love to prance in the vast outdoors.(他们的后裔猎犬和爱腾在广大的户外活动。)
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