英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [pɪə(r)]

美 [pɪr]



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  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • 桥墩
  • 码头
  • 防波堤
  • 支柱
  • 【建】窗间壁
  • 角柱
  • 户间壁
  • 扶壁
  • 桥脚
  • 埠头
  • 突堤
  • 柱子
  • 墙墩
  • 直码头
  • 突码头
  • 水上平台
  • [C]水上平台,码头 structure of wood or stone, etc.built out into the sea and used as a landing place for boats or as a place to work


1. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles
provides access to ships and boats

Synonym: wharfwharfagedock

2. a support for two adjacent bridge spans

3. (architecture) a vertical supporting structure (as a portion of wall between two doors or windows)

1. (通常指伸向大海的)凸式码头,突码头,突堤
A pier is a platform sticking out into water, usually the sea, which people walk along or use when getting onto or off boats.

e.g. ...Brighton Pier.

1. 突码头:单重 Piece weight | 突码头 Pier | 码头至码头运输 Pier to pier

2. 桥墩:台后填方 filling behind abutment | 桥墩 pier | 空心桥墩 hollow pier

3. pier的近义词

3. 码头, (桥)墩:work hardening index 加工硬化指数 | pier 码头, (桥)墩 | pyrazotol yellow 吡唑酚黄

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The ship lies at the pier.
  • There is a steamer leaves the pier at ten in the morning.

    出自:M. Forster
  • He fell 50 ft into the sea from a funfair ride on Palace Pier, Brighton.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

One winter, I came to this pier—Ruby Pier.(有一年冬天,我来到了这个码头——红宝石码头。)
The feel of the ocean mist as you walk across a pier.(走过海边的码头时雾气蒙蒙的感觉。)
The truck stove in the pier of the road bridge.(卡车撞坏了公路桥的桥墩。)
The pier is a wooden structure.(这个码头是木结构建筑。)
In the years that followed, he lived a recurring cycle of drink and violence, often sleeping on the beach or under the pier in Brighton.(在随后的几年,他一直过着酗酒和暴力相间的生活,常常在长椅或是布赖顿码头下上过夜。)
There's Alcatraz, Pier 39, Chinatown, and Union Square.(有恶魔岛、39号码头、唐人街和联合广场。)
We could anchor off the pier.(我们可以在码头抛锚。)
At the old pier off Charles Street.(在Charles街尽头的老码头。)
We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked.(我们站在突码头上目送他们登船。)
To the untrained eye, it might have looked like a very complex pier.(对于非专业人士来讲,那个模型可能看上去像是一个非常复杂的桥墩。)
pier是什么意思 pier在线翻译 pier什么意思 pier的意思 pier的翻译 pier的解释 pier的发音 pier的同义词