英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:34:09



英 [ˌpri:hɪˈstɒrɪk]

美 [ˌpri:hɪˈstɔ:rɪk]


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副词: prehistorically 异体字: prehistorical

  • 详情解释

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  • 史前的
  • 旧式的
  • 非常古老的
  • 完全过时的
  • 有文字记载以前的
  • 陈旧不堪的
  • 陈腐的
  • =prehistorical


1. no longer fashionable

e.g. my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes

2. belonging to or existing in times before recorded history

e.g. prehistoric settlements
prehistoric peoples

Synonym: prehistorical

3. of or relating to times before written history

e.g. prehistoric archeology

1. 史前的;有文字记载以前的
Prehistoric people and things existed at a time before information was written down.


e.g. ...the famous prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux.

1. 史前的:word of advice 提个建议 | Prehistoric 史前的 | mannequin 人体模型,也可作模特讲

2. 恐龙飞机(经典横版射击游戏):power-豪血寺(超级经典比武对打游戏) | prehistoric-恐龙飞机(经典横版射击游戏) | ryu-龙神(经典射击游戏)


3. 史前的,古老的:microscopic 显微镜的;微观的;微小的,细微的 | prehistoric 史前的,古老的 | eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的;异乎寻常的

  • 经典引文

  • An archaeologist inspecting a shard at some prehistoric ruin.

    出自:P. Auster
  • Prehistoric cave paintings.

    出自:P. Farmer
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.prehistoric

Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5, 000 years.

巨石阵是世界上最著名的史前遗迹之一, 可以追溯到5000多年前。


When you reflect on how far we humans have come from the prehistoric caves to mind-blowing technological advancements, you would feel the power of imagination.(当你回想起我们人类从史前的洞穴到令人叹为观止的科技进步,你会感受到想象力的威力。)
Don't get me wrong though, analyzing the styles of prehistoric art can help dating them.(不过,不要误会我的意思。分析史前艺术品的风格有助于确定它们的年代。)
BLOG: Prehistoric Fossil May Have Inspired Greek myths.(相关博客:史前化石可能是希腊神话的创作灵感来源。)
It turns out that radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistoric art.(事实证明,放射性碳年代测定法适用于许多史前艺术品。)
One key indicator of change in the environment surrounding these prehistoric settlements is the wood that was used there.(这些史前定居点周围环境变化的一个关键指标是当地曾使用的木材。)
Prehistoric humans never threw spears at Tyrannosaurus rex but really did hunt mammoths and mastodons.(史前人类从未向雷克斯暴龙扔过长矛,但确实猎杀过猛犸象和乳齿象。)
In 2012, however, the hull shape was at the centre of the work, so modern power tools were used to carve the oak planks, before turning to prehistoric tools for finishing.(然而,在2012年,船体形状是这项工作的中心,所以现代电动工具被用来雕刻橡树木板,然后再用史前工具进行修整。)
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strange happened to the large animals: they suddenly became extinct.(当史前人类来到一处新地方时,一些奇怪的事情发生在大型动物身上,那就是它们突然灭绝了。)
By fossils, we mean traces of prehistoric animals such as bones, which become mineralized, or impressions of bones or organs that are left in stone.(我们所说的化石,指的是史前动物的遗迹,如已矿化的骨头,或留在石头上的骨头或器官的印痕。)
They had found a prehistoric boat, preserved by the type of sediment in which it was buried.(他们发现了一艘史前的船,这艘船依靠埋藏它的沉积物保存了下来。)
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