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副词: primordially

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  • 原始的,原始时代存在的
  • 最初的
  • 根本的,基本的
  • 初生的,原生的
  • 初发的
  • 自原始时代的


1. having existed from the beginning
in an earliest or original stage or state

e.g. aboriginal forests
primal eras before the appearance of life on earth
the forest primeval
primordial matter
primordial forms of life

Synonym: aboriginalprimalprimevalprimaeval

1. 原始的;远古的;人类最初的
You use primordial to describe things that belong to a very early time in the history of the world.

e.g. Twenty million years ago, Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest.
e.g. ...the original primordial explosion.

1. 本初的:48.Dharmapalas 护法 | 49.Primordial 本初的 | 50.awareness 觉性


2. 原始的:primitive sperm cell 成精子细胞 | primordial 原始的 | primordial germ cell 原始胚细胞

3. 始生纪:primitive 原始纪 | Primordial 始生纪 | primorogenic 初造山期的

  • 经典引文

  • Compounds that had taken..millions of years to accumulate in the primordial seas.

    出自:D. Attenborough
  • Primordial scenes..associated with the Surrealists.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • Linking sex to some..primordial fear.

    出自:P. Grosskurth
The primordial thread is allowed to create both RT threads.(允许使用原始线程创建这两个RT线程。)
What if one of the forces failed to separate from the primordial soup of matter over 13 billion years ago?(如果130亿年前某种力没能从原始的物质汤里分离出来会如何?)
To prevent this situation, the JVM forces the primordial thread to have a non-RT priority — that is, have a SCHED_OTHER policy.(为了防止这种情形,JVM强制原始线程拥有非rt优先级——即拥有sched_other策略。)
If the forked process is a JVM, the primordial thread of the JVM is created with an RT priority.(如果派生进程是一个JVM,则JVM的原始线程创建时具有RT优先级。)
More than four decades after it became law, a little-known federal act safeguards hundreds of primordial waterways.(在成为法律后的四十多年时间里,一部鲜为人所知的联邦法律保护了数百条原始河流。)
Primordial thread and application dispatch logic.(原始线程和应用程序调度逻辑。)
This primordial material suffuses space, occasionally condensing to form dust, stars, and eventually planets.(这种原始物质弥漫于整个太空,偶尔凝结,形成尘埃、恒星,以及行星。)
This stuff is probably a mixture of primordial grime and the remnants of long-eaten stars.(这些尘埃和气体很有可能是原始的尘垢和被黑洞吞掉很久了的星星的残留物的混合物。)
Astronomers will tell you that they are born in the collapse of primordial clouds of gas and dust.(天文学家们会告诉你,它们诞生于原始的由气体和尘埃组成的云团的崩溃。)
They have an affinity for material concerns and a primordial fear of moral and social ones.(他们热爱对物质的关注,而对道德和社会方面的关注有着本质性的恐惧。)
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