英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:51:54



英 [ˈprɪnsəpl]

美 [ˈprɪnsəpəl]


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  • 原理,原则
  • 主义,道义,信条,节操
  • 构造
  • 工作方式,工作原理
  • 起源,源泉,根源,本源
  • 本性,天然的性能,天赋的才能
  • 政策
  • 本原,本质,本体
  • 向……灌输原则
  • 教给……基本原理
  • 使有印象
  • [C]原则,原理 basic general truth that underlies sth
  • [P]准则,规则; 主义 guiding rules for personal behavior
  • [U]操守,道义 these rules
  • [S]工作原理 general or scientific law shown in a way a thing works


1. (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature)

e.g. the rationale for capital punishment
the principles of internal-combustion engines

Synonym: rationale

2. a basic truth or law or assumption

e.g. the principles of democracy

3. a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system

e.g. the principle of the conservation of mass
the principle of jet propulsion
the right-hand rule for inductive fields

Synonym: rule

4. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct

e.g. their principles of composition characterized all their works

Synonym: rule

5. a rule or standard especially of good behavior

e.g. a man of principle
he will not violate his principles

6. rule of personal conduct

Synonym: precept

1. 道德原则;行为准则;操守
A principle is a general belief that you have about the way you should behave, which influences your behaviour.

e.g. Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles...
e.g. ...moral principles...

2. 法则;原则;原理
The principles of a particular theory or philosophy are its basic rules or laws.

e.g. ...a violation of the basic principles of Marxism...
e.g. The doctrine was based on three fundamental principles.

3. (科学)原理,定律
Scientific principles are general scientific laws which explain how something happens or works.

e.g. These people lack all understanding of scientific principles.
e.g. ...the principles of quantum theory.

4. 大体上;基本上
If you agree with something in principle, you agree in general terms to the idea of it, although you do not yet know the details or know if it will be possible.

e.g. I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.

5. 从理论上说;按道理
If something is possible in principle, there is no known reason why it should not happen, even though it has not happened before.

e.g. Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon.

6. 按照原则;根据信念
If you refuse to do something on principle, you refuse to do it because of a particular belief that you have.

e.g. He would vote against it on principle...
e.g. His father, on principle, did not like to hear requests for money.

1. principle在线翻译

1. 原理;原则:在学术界,研究者在某些证据下,提出假设或学说(hypothesis),经过一再验证,发展成理论(theory),在经反复推敲、考验,最后形成定理(rule)、定律(law)或原理原则(principle).

2. 本金:赋值语句的最简单形式是:最上面的例子是用来计算,在特定时间(time)内,按照特定利率(rate),本金(principle)的利息. 第二个例子是,通过传输距离和消耗的时间来计算某个物体的移动速度. 第三个例子是,把以小时和分钟表示的时间转换为分钟总数.

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  • 经典引文

    原则上; 基本上as far as basic principles are concerned; in general but not in detail

1. on principle : 根据原则;

2. in principle : 原则上, 大体上;

3. on the principle of : 根据...的原则;

  • Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.
  • He has no principles at all.
  • He is quite without principle.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Weaponry, the main principle of his military success.

    出自:R. L. Fox
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

principle, doctrine
  • 这两个名词的共同意思是“信条”“准则”。principle指一切党派、学科的基本原则和原理; doctrine则指宗教的教义、宗旨等,由信仰所决定,不能更改。
    • ☆ 1380年左右进入英语,直接源自殖英诺曼底语的principle;最初源自古法语的principe,意为基本事实与建议。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.principle

    I think it is a general principle.



    Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.(海格继续解释他个人的战争原则。)
    No matter who it is, we'll act according to principle.(别管是谁,一律按原则办事。)
    In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day.(原则上,总会有一天,凡是人能做的事,机器就能做。)
    We must never abandon this principle.(这是一个必须坚持的原则。)
    Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.(核武器似乎违背了罚当其罪的正义战争原则。)
    The government appears to be applying the same principle.(政府似乎在运用同样的原则。)
    Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us.(遵守法律对于我们是一个原则问题。)
    These machines work on the same principle.(这些机器按照相同的原理运转。)
    She refused to back down on a point of principle.(她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。)
    More education is the new principle.(提供更多的教育机会是当前新的原则。)
    principle是什么意思 principle在线翻译 principle什么意思 principle的意思 principle的翻译 principle的解释 principle的发音 principle的同义词