英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:38:20



英 [ˈpraɪə(r)]

美 [ˈpraɪɚ]



副词: priorly 名词: priority

  • 详情解释

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  • 优先的;更重要的
  • 在前的,在先的;较早的,先前的;既往的
  • 【统计学】先验的
  • 居先的;较强的
  • 【证券】有优先权的
  • 小修道院院长
  • 大修道院副院长
  • 上司
  • 会长
  • 普赖尔,蒲莱尔(音译名)
  • 【史】行政长官
  • 前科
  • 预先逮捕(黑社会用语)
  • Matthew Prior 普赖尔(1664-1721,英国诗人)
  • [A]优先的,在前的,较早的 previous; former; earlier


1. the head of a religious order
in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot

1. 先前的;在前的;在先的
You use prior to indicate that something has already happened, or must happen, before another event takes place.

e.g. He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest...
e.g. The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action...

2. (所有权、责任)更重要的,优先的
A prior claim or duty is more important than other claims or duties and needs to be dealt with first.

e.g. The firm I wanted to use had prior commitments.

3. 小修道院院长;大修道院副院长
A prior is a monk who is in charge of a priory or a monk who is the second most important person in a monastery.

4. 在…之前;先于
If something happens prior to a particular time or event, it happens before that time or event.

e.g. Prior to his Japan trip, he went to New York...
e.g. A man seen hanging around the area prior to the shooting could have been involved.

1. 优先:这是为了保护装入模块列表(sys.modules)来优先(prior)执行CGI脚本,然后在脚本执行后对比导入模块. 除了一些__file__属性指向标准Python库的模块外,将会被在sys.modules中删除来强制Python在下次CGI脚本导入时再次装入他们.

2. prior

2. 预先:而后者是指基本的证明标准应是固定不变的(fixed) ,但证据的程度(degree of evdience)应依据事项的重要性的不同来确定,因为其认为越是重大事项,发生的盖然性就越低,所以盖然性程度预先(prior) 就决定了(3).

3. 先:注意req.headers_out将会被优先(prior)设置,并也会影响req.status的值,假如不是返回apache.OK. 从客户端读取最多len字节的数据,返回字符串数据. 如果len为负数(negative)或者缺省(omitted),则读取所有的数据.


4. 在先:一个商标要获得注册(registration)必须首先具备显著性(distinctiveness),能够区分商品或服务的来源(source),并且与他人在相同(identical)或类似(similar)商品在在先(prior)注册的商标不相同或近似.

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • I have a prior engagement at five.
  • She gave up her job as she felt her family had a prior claim to her attention.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • Gary..pleaded a prior commitment to homework.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • Jealous about his wife's prior sexual experience.

    出自:P. Van Sommers
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1714年进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的prior,意为之前,优于。
Please check in half an hour prior to departure.(请在起飞前半小时办理登机手续。)
This route would have enabled humans to enter southern areas of the Americas prior to the melting of the continental glaciers.(这条路线将使人类能够在大陆冰川融化之前进入美洲南部地区。)
Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social mobility.(19世纪以前,几乎没有社会流动的渠道。)
Prior to sale, each could be photographed and the list of the purchasers could be maintained on the computer.(在出售之前,每张照片都可以拍下来,买主的名单可以保存在电脑上。)
You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank.(你事先和银行商妥,就可以在这里兑现支票。)
Prior to assembly, grooves were made in the shelf, base, and sides to accommodate the back panel.(在组装之前,隔板、底座和侧面已开槽以便与背板相嵌。)
Prior to 200 B.C., a number of relatively small centers coexisted in and near the Valley of Mexico.(在公元前200年以前,在墨西哥峡谷内部及周边有很多相对较小的城镇中心共存着。)
It is important to enrich the soil prior to planting.(栽种之前给土壤施肥很重要。)
We were able to reconstruct data about its landscape prior to 1900.(我们能够重建1900年以前的地貌数据。)
The killing of bad mice requires no prior approval.(杀死坏老鼠不需要事先批准。)
prior是什么意思 prior在线翻译 prior什么意思 prior的意思 prior的翻译 prior的解释 prior的发音 prior的同义词