英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:38:40



英 [ˈprɪsi]

美 [ˈprɪsi]


副词: prissily 比较级: prissier 最高级: prissiest 名词: prissiness

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  • 神经质的
  • 拘谨的
  • 谨小慎微的
  • 为小事挂虑的
  • 刻板的
  • 大惊小怪的
  • 过分讲究的
  • 严肃谨慎的
  • 服装讲究整洁的
  • 纤柔的
  • 娇气的
  • 缺乏男子气的
  • 过分谦逊的
  • 爱挑剔的


1. excessively fastidious and easily disgusted

e.g. too nice about his food to take to camp cooking
so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow

Synonym: daintyniceovernicesqueamish

2. exaggeratedly proper

e.g. my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts

Synonym: priggishprimprudishpuritanicalsquare-toedstraitlacedstrait-lacedstraightlacedstraight-lacedtight-lacedvictorian

1. 大惊小怪的;一本正经的;谨小慎微的
If you say that someone is prissy, you are critical of them because they are very easily shocked by anything rude or bad.

e.g. I grew to dislike the people from my background — they were rather uptight and prissy.


1. 谨小慎微:prissy 谨小慎微 | pristine 质朴的 | prithee 请

2. 谨小慎微的:prissy 为小事挂虑的 | prissy 谨小慎微的 | prissysqueamish 神经质的

3. 为小事挂虑的:prisonterm 刑期 | prissy 为小事挂虑的 | prissy 谨小慎微的

4. 不知是:感情太shaky | 不知是prissy | 还是太snooty

  • 经典引文

  • The police woman was..speculating whether this prissy missie was a secret raver and who with.

    出自:J. Gash
  • A prissy attention to detail that takes all the fun out of writing.

    出自:S. King
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

PRISSY: Miss Melanie done fainted way back. Captain Butler.(碧西:媚兰小姐晕过去了,巴特勒上尉。)
Prissy: I can't take care of that baby and sick folks too.(碧西:我也照顾不了那些病人和小孩。)
In the name of Heaven, Pa, three thousand! And you didn't need to buy Prissy!(爸爸,我的天,三千哪!再说,你也用不着买百里茜呀!)
Prissy: I've only got two hands.(碧西:我只有两只手!)
Prissy: Prissy, come tie up this cow!(碧西:碧西,来捆住这头奶牛!)
PRISSY: Captain Butler, you come out here in the streets to me.(碧西:巴特勒上校,你过来我这里。)
PRISSY: Please come and bring your carriage for us right away.(碧西:请马上去驾着你的马车带我们走吧!)
Look you, Prissy, an' it were not true, it would be a lie.(你听着,普丽西,那不是真的,那是个谎言。)
Scarlett:I'm going, too, Prissy, go pack my , quick!(斯佳丽:我也要走。碧西,收拾我的东西,快点去拿!)
Thank God, Prissy knew all about midwifery.(感谢上帝,百里茜懂得接生的全过程。)
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