英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 19:54:09



英 [ˈprəʊkrieɪt]

美 [ˈproʊkrieɪt]


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形容词: procreant 名词: procreation 过去式: procreated 过去分词: procreated 现在分词: procreating 第三人称单数: procreates

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  • 生殖(子女)
  • 产生
  • 生育
  • 制造
  • 繁殖
  • 产生新品种
  • 生育
  • 繁殖



1. have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant

e.g. The Bible tells people to procreate

Synonym: reproducemultiply

1. 生育;生殖
When animals or people procreate, they produce young or babies.

e.g. Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.

Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.

1. procreate

1. 生:点燃(kindle)还保留着这一双重意义,其词根是梵文的gan或gen,条顿的kin或kan,它也许更频繁地意指生育(bring forth)而非产生(procreate),虽然很难断言一个意义比另一个更原始.

2. 产生:点燃(kindle)还保留着这一双重意义,其词根是梵文的gan或gen,条顿的kin或kan,它也许更频繁地意指生育(bring forth)而非产生(procreate),虽然很难断言一个意义比另一个更原始.

3. 制造,生产:proclivity 倾向,癖性 | procreate 制造,生产 | procure 取得

4. 生殖,生育:repopulate: 增加(人口) | procreate: 生殖,生育 | streamlined: 流线型的

Menopause syndrome is a common disease which occurs during the interim from procreate phase to agedness phase.(更年期综合征为妇女由生育期向老年阶段过渡时期的常见病、多发病。)
Much of what we are about centers on the same impulses to eat, procreate, fight or flee that motivated Fred Flintstone.(人之所以为人,大多基于饮食、男女、斗争、避凶的冲动,在原始社群就是这样了。)
Infatuation is nature's biological trick to guarantee that a man and a woman are thrown together long enough to procreate.(迷恋期是自然界确保男人和女人有足够时间繁殖后代的生物学陷阱。)
What if, Belkin asks, the dynamic I found myself in was reversed, and women now saw men as "too old" to procreate with?(Belkin问道,如果我们置身其中的机制完全颠倒了,女人开始觉得男人“太老了”,不能生育了,会出现什么情况呢?)
It should be recognized by law when citizens adopt modern techniques to realize their procreate rights.(公民采用现代技术手段实现其生育权时,应得到法律的认可。)
Some have even taken it as a cue to get married and procreate.(一些人甚至把这种毁灭看成是结婚和生育的暗示。)
Imagine all the things we could do without having to shop: play and pray, create and relate, read and walk, listen and procreate.(请想象所有不用去商店就可以做的事:游戏,祷告,创造,沟通,阅读,行走,倾听,生育。)
Evolutionary success is not just a mad dash to procreate; it also requires as many descendants to survive as possible.(物种的成功进化并非只依赖于疯狂地繁殖,还要后代尽可能地存活。)
Your duty to procreate.(你有责任去生儿育女。)
The stipends also provide a substantial incentive for royals to procreate since the stipends begin at birth.(还有很多鼓励皇室成员生育的津贴,刚出生的孩子就享有津贴。)
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