英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 17:52:46



英 [ˈprəʊlɒg]

美 [ˈproʊlɔ:g]


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  • 序言
  • 开场白
  • 序幕
  • 序诗
  • 序幕性事件
  • 开端
  • 作开场白的演员
  • =prolog
  • 说开场白
  • 加上…前言
  • 作…的序
  • 为…加上序诗
  • 成了…的开端
  • 作序言


1. an introduction to a play

1. 前言;序言;开场白
A prologue is a speech or section of text that introduces a play or book.

e.g. The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account.

2. 序幕;开端
If one event is a prologue to another event, it leads to it.

e.g. This was a prologue to today's bloodless revolution.

1. 序幕:成功的因素分析 对影响因素的一般分析一)横向分析 外部因素 领导者 员工 组织 文化 外部因素、 市场 资源 技术 一般社会环境(二)纵向分析、 LCM矩阵的基本框架一)矩阵的纵轴3个变量是时间因素 简称3P 序幕 (PROLOGUE) 过程(PROCE

2. 序言:我会在探讨 factorial 函数时再深入介绍此序言(prologue)的意义所在. 就目前而言,只需知道它将设置堆叠框架就可以了. 该段代码的尾声(epilogue)将在分析 factorial 代码时再作讨论,但总的来说,它的作用是结束堆叠框架并返回到先前的函数.

3. 开场白:我们要继续我们对创世记的研读,再次对开场白(prologue)进行审视. 在我们前一次的研读中,我们把这段作为一个整体,是为了要确切地理解我们在处理的到底是什么,它与紧随其后的经文又有什么关联.

  • 经典引文

  • The opera opens with a Prologue of the spirits.

  • My death..is made the prologue to their play.

    出自:2 Henry VI,Shakespeare
First, there's this prologue that I started reading at the very beginning of the lecture.(首先是序言部分,我在这节课一开始时就读了的。)
That's exactly the same code as before, just wrapped with prologue and epilogue code.(这与之前的代码完全相同,不过增加了序言和尾声代码。)
New Line wanted Peter Jackson to start the film with a prologue done by Cate Blanchett, something that Jackson didn't want to do.(新线公司想让彼得·杰克逊在影片开始时加一段开场白,让凯特·布兰切特说,杰克逊反对。)
IT IS no accident that the prologue to David Grossman's new novel, "to the End of the Land", takes place in a fever ward.(大卫·格罗斯曼的新小说《走向天涯》以发烧病房作为开头并非偶然。)
A comment block (prologue) describing the script.(描述此脚本的注释块(序言)。)
In releases prior to Xerces-C + + 2.2 (or XML4C 5.1), the parser only pretty-prints the prologue and the epilogue.(在Xerces-C++2.2(或XML4C5.1)之前的发行版中,解析器只对序言和后记进行美化。)
Since the root user runs the prologue script, the user will be allowed to log into the cluster.(因为根用户运行序言脚本,所以此用户被允许登录集群。)
The tone is set in the four-page prologue which contains 34 instances of the words "I", "me" or "my".(序言达四页之长,光是以“我”为主语的例子就足足有34个,这便定下了整本书的基调。)
McCartney contributes a prologue to the book, in which he explains, "we were looking for something different."(麦卡特尼在本书的序言中解释说,“我们正寻求一些与以往不同的尝试。”)
This prologue to Rotary gave me a sound base in what The Rotary Foundation accomplishes.(这样扶轮的序幕使我对扶轮基金会的成就有了基本的了解。)
prologue是什么意思 prologue在线翻译 prologue什么意思 prologue的意思 prologue的翻译 prologue的解释 prologue的发音 prologue的同义词