英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 18:08:21



英 [prəˈməʊtə(r)]

美 [prəˈmoʊtə(r)]



  • 详情解释

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  • 发起人
  • 创办人
  • 助催化剂
  • 推销商
  • 承办人
  • 出资人
  • 助长者
  • 促进者
  • 增进者
  • 振兴者
  • 奖励者
  • 后援人
  • 煽动者
  • 【化】促进剂
  • 推销者
  • 起诉人
  • 起动基因
  • 赞助者
  • 筹办人


1. someone who is an active supporter and advocate

Synonym: boosterplugger

2. a sponsor who books and stages public entertainments

Synonym: showmanimpresario

1. (尤指体育赛事的)主办者,承办者
A promoter is a person who helps organize and finance an event, especially a sports event.

e.g. ...one of the top boxing promoters in Britain.

2. 提倡者;倡导者
The promoter of a cause or idea tries to make it become popular.

e.g. Aaron Copland was an energetic promoter of American music.

  • 经典引文

  • Harold..appears as a special promoter of German churchmen.

    出自:E. A. Freeman
  • The promoters of turkey-meat sales.

    出自:Country Life
The effect of IGFBP-3 on the growth hormone promoter activity stimulated by triiodothyronine was determined by dual-luciferase reporter assay.(通过双荧光素酶报告基因测定法测定了IGFBP-3对由三碘甲状腺素刺激的生长激素启动子活性的影响。)
She became a leading promoter of European integration.(她成为欧洲一体化的主要支持者。)
He remains a big soccer promoter, and is a board member of the team and an official with the Serbian Football Association.(他仍然是一位大足球经纪人,并且是该队董事会的成员,同时也是塞尔维亚足球联盟的一位官员。)
This means being an unabashed self promoter.(这意味着你要厚着脸皮的自我推销。)
Nor were they found in the promoter regions of genes, but rather in the transcribed parts of the genes themselves.(而且在基因的启动子区域里也找不到它们,它们却在基因自己转录的部分。)
The promoter offers you the opportunity to bet on one horse.(促销者给你一个机会让你在其中的一匹马上押注。)
"There's no reconciliation," says a unity promoter.(一位推动统一的人士表示:“没有什么和解。”)
Prior to the start of the fight, promoter Tex Rickard visits Dempsey and his manager in his dressing room.(比赛开始前,赞助人特克斯·里卡德在更衣室里拜访了邓普西和他的经理人(卡恩斯)。)
Emil counselled patience, but he paid a promoter to get Kostya on the undercard of a show in Windsor.(埃米尔一面劝他耐心,一面付钱给了一个拳击赛的承办人,让他在温莎组织的一场表演赛上,把克斯特亚列为暖场比赛的拳手。)
Despite his job title (and the initial hopes of some purveyors of non-mainstream treatments), Dr Ernst is no breathless promoter of snake oil.(跟他的职务头衔相反(也跟某些非主流治疗置办商的初衷相反)DrErnst并不是那种推销起蛇油舌灿莲花的人。)
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