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英 [prəˈpensəti]

美 [prəˈpɛnsɪti]


名词复数: propensities

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  • 倾向
  • 习性
  • 癖好
  • 偏爱
  • 脾性
  • 爱好
  • 嗜好
  • 赞同
  • 倾向性


1. a disposition to behave in a certain way

e.g. the aptness of iron to rust
the propensity of disease to spread

Synonym: aptness

2. a natural inclination

e.g. he has a proclivity for exaggeration

Synonym: proclivityleaning

3. an inclination to do something

e.g. he felt leanings toward frivolity

Synonym: leaningtendency

1. (性格上的)倾向;习性
A propensity to do something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency that you have to behave in a particular way.

e.g. Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute...
e.g. She hasn't reckoned on his propensity for violence.

1. 习性,爱好:propend,vi,倾向,爱好 | propensity,习性,爱好 | spend,v,花费,其实就是expend,读一读,发音差不多吧


2. 倾向,嗜好:prison 监狱,拘留所;监禁,禁闭 | propensity 倾向,嗜好 | puddle (路上的)水坑,污水坑

  • 经典引文

  • That dreadful propensity..for writing verses.

    出自:Sydney Smith
  • Selfishness and laziness are..propensities inherent in human beings.

    出自:E. Fromm
  • His propensity to..morbid moods.

    出自:D. Cecil
Successful self-directed learners have a high propensity for asking why - and lots of other questions.(成功的自主学者总喜欢问为什么,还有其他一些问题。)
Those who know more science have only a slightly greater propensity to trust scientists.(那些知道更多科学知识人只有稍大的倾向相信科学家。)
With a relatively low loan-to-deposit ratio of 68 percent, Banks' propensity to lend seems intact.(由于存贷比位于68%这个相对较低的水平,银行放贷的倾向似乎仍然未变。)
She has a propensity to exaggerate.(她爱言过其实。)
There are two reasons why education's spread reduces women's propensity to marry.(两个原因可解释为什么教育的普及降低了女性结婚的倾向。)
The personality of the individual adopter plays an important role in the propensity to trust the unfamiliar.(个人采纳者的性格在对信任不熟悉事物的习性上扮演了重要角色。)
That slope is the marginal propensity to consume.(这个斜率就是边际消费倾向。)
The more tax breaks and transfers go to those with a greater marginal propensity to consume, the bigger the economic boost.(有更高消费倾向的人获得的税收减免越多,对经济的提振作用就越大。)
Do online daters have a propensity to lie?(网上交友者是否倾向于撒谎?)
You can use this natural human propensity to retrieve your audience's attention.(你可以利用人类的这一天性重新找回你的听众的注意力。)
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