英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:47:50



英 ['pʌblɪklɪ]

美 [ˈpʌblɪkli]


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  • 公开地
  • 由公众
  • 为公众所同意
  • 以公众名义
  • 公然地
  • 大张旗鼓地
  • 在表面上
  • 当众
  • 舆论上


1. in a manner accessible to or observable by the public

e.g. she admitted publicly to being a communist

Synonym: publicallyin public

2. by the public or the people generally

e.g. publicly provided medical care
publicly financed schools

1. 公开地:良序社会的优点,是所有人都能公开地(publicly)接受同样的原则,亦清楚原则背后的证成理据. 当彼此出现纷争,便可有一共同标准做出裁定,因此能成为多元社会统一(unity)的基础. 而这个公共的原则亦能有效培养人们的正义感,从而确保社会稳定.

2. 公然地:publicize 宣扬 | publicly 公然地 | publish 发行

3. 公开地;当众:publicity 公开;宣扬 | publicly 公开地;当众 | publish 出版;发行

4. 而且是公开的:Mobs of them...|成群结队 | ...publicly.|而且是公开的 | The congress leaders are selling it on the streets of Delhi.|国会领袖在新德里的街头卖盐

There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.(人们普遍假设我们是受公共基金的资助,但我们大部分的资金是通过签订竞争性合同得到的。)
You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes.(你必须能够在公开和幕后中推销你自己和你的想法。)
The National Health Service was free and wholly publicly provided.(国民保健服务是免费的,完全由政府提供。)
In fact, no field data on temperature were publicly available for researchers to use, until Roy met Neil Kelley at a 2009 conference.(事实上,直到罗伊在2009年的一次会议上遇到尼尔·凯利(NeilKelley),研究人员才可以公开使用任何有关温度的现场数据。)
She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis.(她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。)
He had a younger brother who always publicly upstaged him.(他有个弟弟,总是公开抢他的风头。)
But rarely, if ever, do they publicly take the argument a step further, asserting that a growing manufacturing sector encourages craftsmanship.(但他们很少(如果有过的话)公开将这一观点进一步发扬,声称不断增长的制造业鼓励了手工技艺的发展。)
She threatened to publicly expose his double life if he left her.(她威胁说,要是他离开她的话,就将他的双重生活公之于众。)
He was publicly flogged for breaking the country's alcohol laws.(他因违犯国家的酒法而被当众处以鞭刑。)
MegaFace's creators say it's the largest publicly available facial-recognition dataset out there.(MegaFace的创建者表示,这是目前公开的最大面部识别数据库。)
publicly是什么意思 publicly在线翻译 publicly什么意思 publicly的意思 publicly的翻译 publicly的解释 publicly的发音 publicly的同义词