英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:04:35



英 [ˈpʌkə(r)]

美 [ˈpʌkɚ]



Created with Highcharts 10.0.0释义常用度

过去式: puckered 过去分词: puckered 现在分词: puckering 第三人称单数: puckers

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  • 使起皱
  • 使缩拢
  • 皱起
  • 成褶子
  • 使起皱纹
  • 皱(眉头)
  • 烦闷
  • 为难
  • 折叠
  • 使起褶子
  • 噘起
  • 起褶子或皱纹
  • 折迭
  • 缩拢
  • 使折叠
  • 皱纹
  • 皱褶
  • 褶子
  • 狼狈
  • 惶惑
  • 筋道
  • 干燥不匀引起的纸褶子


1. an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth)

Synonym: ruck


1. to gather something into small wrinkles or folds

e.g. She puckered her lips

Synonym: rumplecocklecrumpleknit

2. become wrinkled or drawn together

e.g. her lips puckered

Synonym: ruckruck up

3. draw together into folds or puckers

Synonym: gathertuck

1. (使)(脸)起皱;(使)(嘴)撅起
When a part of your face puckers or when you pucker it, it becomes tight or stretched, often because you are trying not to cry or are going to kiss someone.

e.g. Toby's face puckered...
e.g. She puckered her lips into a rosebud and kissed him on the nose.

...puckered lips.
...a long puckered scar.


1. 折叠:pucker up 发脾气 | pucker 折叠 | puckish 淘气的

2. 皱纹:psilomelane 硬锰矿 | pucker 皱纹 | puddle ball 搅炼炉熟铁块

3. 皱纹;皱起;缩拢:puck 圆盘;气垫器 | pucker 皱纹;皱起;缩拢 | puckering 皱纹

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  • 经典引文

1. in a pucker : 激动, 慌张;

2. pucker up : 使缩拢;

  • The troubled pucker on his forehead.

    出自:M. de la Roche
  • His waistcoat..had a propensity to pucker up.

    出自:Albert Smith
Every few minutes she would look at one of us, pucker up her lips and then we realized she wanted a kiss.(每隔几分钟她会看我们,噘起她的嘴唇,然后我们意识到她想要一个吻。)
Other than the vessels that emerged from the pucker on its side, the kidney was smooth;(除了血管蒂部分有些皱缩,其它部分非常光滑。)
I used a combination of the pen tool, simple shapes, and the pucker and bloat filter to create mine.(我使用的组合钢笔工具,简单的形状,以及折叠和膨胀过滤器,创建矿。)
There were 5 eyes of postoperative macular pucker in cryogenic group.(冷凝组术后出现5例黄斑部视网膜前膜。)
An interactive version of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci allows her to turn her head, pucker her lips, frown and even breathe.(在这幅列奥纳多•达•芬奇名作的交互版中,蒙娜丽莎可以扭头、抿嘴、皱眉甚至呼吸。)
The Warp will be the most useful, however "Pucker" and "Bloat" are best for shrinking or expanding the area.(经纱将是最有用的,但“折叠”和“膨胀”是最好的缩小或扩大面积。)
See them pout, frown and pucker in the mirror and you'll soon find that the differences between two women are more than simply geographical.(看着她们在镜子里嘟嘴、皱皱眉、做各种表情,你很快就会发现,这两个女人之间的差别不仅仅是地理上的。)
Suddenly, someone yells in the distance, "PUCKER UP!"(突然,远处有人大声说:“闭上眼睛!”)
So why is it that we love to pucker up?(那么,我们为什么那么喜欢把嘴撅起来呢?)
Cellulite occurs when fat pushes against connective tissue, making the skin above it pucker.(脂肪团的产生是由于脂肪推挤结缔组织,造成上层皮肤褶皱。)
pucker是什么意思 pucker在线翻译 pucker什么意思 pucker的意思 pucker的翻译 pucker的解释 pucker的发音 pucker的同义词