英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:56:17



英 [ˈreɪdiəns]

美 [ˈrediəns]


异体字: radiancy

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1. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light

Synonym: radiancyshineeffulgencerefulgencerefulgency

2. the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

Synonym: glowglowing

3. an attractive combination of good health and happiness

e.g. the radiance of her countenance

1. 容光焕发;喜气洋洋
Radiance is great happiness which shows in someone's face and makes them look very attractive.

e.g. She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter...
e.g. There was about her a new radiance.

2. 光辉;发光;闪烁
Radiance is a glowing light shining from something.

e.g. The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.

1. 辐射率:辐射率(radiance) 辐射率是与表面的视觉亮度紧密对应的物理量. 对于光辐射(包括不可见的红外和紫外辐射光)人射束,测量其(平均)辐射率的简单辐射计是由一个圆柱管构成的,管的每个端盖上有一个孔,以确定该处束的截面,

2. 辉耀:* 辉耀(Radiance) 的范围效果范围由 400 增加到 550. * 暗灭刀(Desolator) 配方价格从 1580 减为 1500. * 不朽(Aegis)从 -dm 模式中去除. 其他:* 新的装载画面. * 更简洁的游戏结束对话框和更平顺的退出.

Her wedding brought us radiance.(她的婚礼给我们带来喜悦。)
R is for radiance. The radiance is eternal youth.(代表“活力”。活力就是永恒的青春。)
The earth-men saw that the flier was brilliantly illuminated, pouring out a gorgeous amethystine radiance from its violet ports.(地上的人看到传单被照亮了,从紫罗兰色的端口中倒出了华丽的紫水晶光芒。)
You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery, woman.(你在你的身边有一种更柔美的光辉和一种更大的神秘,女人。)
This radiance didn't come easily.(这种光芒四射来之不易。)
The radiance of electric lights radiates from the ceiling.(电灯的光芒从天花板上辐射下来。)
And yet we see around us so much evidence that people are not acting from a place of purity and radiance.(然而,我们的周围有如此之多的人表现出来的行为却并非发自纯洁及光明的本性。)
Only Watson has the blessing of screen radiance.(只有沃森(赫敏扮演者)才有这种能力让荧屏绽放光彩。)
Life exists in orbs of flowing spherical radiance and your orb is defined by your intentions and the quality of your focus.(生命是以沿着球形辐射的轨道所存在的,而你的轨道正是由你的意图和你聚焦的品质所决定。)
The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.(床头灯微弱的灯光给他的脸上涂上了一层柔和的光辉。)
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