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更新时间:2025-03-24 20:17:13
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rain forest的近义词


1. a forest with heavy annual rainfall

Synonym: rainforest


1. 雨林:2008年11月19日... 2009年: 国家地理- <>(Rain Forest) 国家地理- <>... [转会] Ghost加盟EYE 俄罗斯战队出征WC3L [视频] WCG2009主办城市成都...

2. 热带雨林:(1)热带雨林(rain forest) 一般分布在赤道南北5~100左右的范围内. 群落内有丰富的粗大木质藤本、有花附生植物、板根现象、茎花现象、(半)纹杀植物等. 乔木层最高可达60~80m. 群落层次结构复杂,仅乔木层就可分3层以上. 具有丰富的植物种类(尤其乔木).

3. 林: 地图: 雨林(Rain Forest) 竞技模式、团队决战模式、个人决战模式、竞技模式(虚拟对手)、团队决战模式...生化模式4滑稽点:1、在僵尸存在的时候,人类能用刀,银刀,锤子去敲打异形,只要有僵尸存在异形感染不了人类.

4. (热带的)雨林:quantify v. 量化 | rain forest (热带的)雨林 | rainforest deforestation 砍伐雨林

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So before you savethe rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room。(所以,如果你想消灭你父母那一辈中的"寄生虫"来拯救雨林的话,还是先去清除你房间衣柜里的虫子吧。)
In this part of the rain forest, therefore, red and orange are the best colors for signaling, and they are the colors used in signals by the ground-walking Australian brush turkey.(因此,在雨林的这个区域,红色和橙色是最好的信号颜色,它们也是澳大利亚丛林火鸡在地面行走时发出信号的颜色。)
Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees.(对巴西雨林过去的评估已使用卫星图像来记录被砍伐的地区,那里的农民和牧场主把所有的树都砍光并烧掉了。)
Flying gecko the flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rain forest.(飞行壁虎飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。)
Costa Rican Rain Forest, Season 1 Episode 3.(哥斯达黎加雨林,第一季第3集。)
The fungus, a species of Ophiocordyceps, targets carpenterants living high in Thailand's rain forest canopy.(这种真菌,属Ophiocordyceps种,以生活在泰国雨林树冠层的木蚁为目标。)
Walking through this rain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life.(漫步在马达加斯加岛的这片雨林中就像是身处于一个生命图书馆。)
No desert, no dust. No dust, no rain forest.(没有沙漠就不会再有飞尘,而没有飞尘,热带雨林也将不复存在。)
At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.(按照目前的下降速度,许多雨林动物不到十年就会绝种。)
The government must take steps to protect the rain forest.(政府必须采取措施保护雨林。)
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