英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 18:59:47



英 [rɑ:sp]

美 [ræsp]



副词: raspingly 名词: rasper 过去式: rasped 过去分词: rasped 现在分词: rasping 第三人称单数: rasps

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1. a coarse file with sharp pointed projections

Synonym: wood file

2. uttering in an irritated tone

Synonym: rasping


1. utter in a grating voice

2. scrape with a rasp

1. 发出难听(或刺耳)的声音;尖声叫嚷
If someone rasps, their voice or breathing is harsh and unpleasant to listen to.

e.g. 'Where've you put it?' he rasped...
e.g. He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving chest...

2. (物体摩擦时)发出刺耳的声音
If something rasps or if you rasp it, it makes a harsh, unpleasant sound as it rubs against something hard or rough.

e.g. Sabres rasped from scabbards and the horsemen spurred forward...
e.g. Foden rasped a hand across his chin...

3. 锉子;锉刀
A rasp is a long metal tool with rough surfaces, used to rub solid objects and give them smooth surfaces.

1. 锉刀:小洞在靠右边的墙上有两条缠绕的锁链,从墙角的老鼠洞内找出锉刀(rasp)把铁链锉开,一具骷髅突然从天而降. 我毫不犹豫地拿走它的木制假腿(peg leg)和笛子(flute),既然是上天赐给我的,一定有它的原因. 把随身带的酒通过狱墙上的小洞给隔壁,

2. 木锉:木胶粉 ureaformal dehyde resin glue | 木锉 rasp | 木螺钉;木牙螺丝 wood screw

3. 粗锉;木锉:rapid transit system 快速运输系统 | rasp 粗锉;木锉 | raster data 栅格数据


4. 粗锉:scraper 三角刮刀 | rasp 粗锉 | file 锉

5. rasp的近义词

5. rasp:remote antenna signal processor; 远端天线信号处理器

6. rasp:random access stored program machine; 随机访问存储程序机器

  • 经典引文

  • The Powerfile gave as good a finish as a rasp.

  • As if it had been rasped by a rough rounded file.

    出自:W. Borlase
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In order to lower power consumption, to reduce the cleaning load and to improve the efficiency of the combine harvester, a new threshing cylinder with short-rasp-bar tooth has been developed, and.(为了降低功耗,减轻清选负荷,提高联合收割机的工作效率,试制了一种新型脱粒滚筒——短纹杆-板齿脱粒滚筒,并与钉齿脱粒滚筒进行了脱粒对比台架试验。)
To make sure I got the taper Angle right, I would check by putting the rotary rasp behind the tip so I could just see the edges of it.(确认我的尖鹿角是正确的,我将通过把转动锉刀放在顶端后来检查它的边缘。)
His tongue was as rough as a rasp, but even so she would not pull her hand back, not until Jaime took her by the shoulders and yanked her away from the cage.(它的舌头粗得像锉刀,但即便如此,她也没有缩手,倒是詹姆抓着她肩膀把她从笼子旁拉开。)
Fierstein's LEGENDARY rasp is perfect for the sly, nefarious, slinky duo of moray eels.(菲尔·斯泰传奇般的刺耳嗓音完美地诠释了这对狡猾、邪恶又行踪诡秘的海鳗二人组。)
He wanted to rasp the surface smooth.(他想把表面锉平。)
It is pointed out the value of tightening torque should guarantee that there is no slippage between cylinder and rasp bar when they work.(脱粒滚筒与纹杆间螺栓联接的扭紧力矩值应按保证工作时滚筒与纹杆间不发生滑移来确定。)
The main product we have is: all kinds of wrecking bar big file and rasp garden tool battery terminal various bolsters pound at the avger pry the stich jack engraving knife etc.(本厂主要产品有:各种起钉器、凿、锉、园艺工具、电瓶夹、铲、冲击钻头、撬棍、千斤顶支架、雕刻刀等。)
The rasp Ring made of stainless steel with a partial sapphire rasp coating.(挫刀戒指用不锈钢制成,部分覆以蓝宝石涂层。)
In addition, do not sew on their own, drop pull down, burned or burnt, bleach, do not own super RASP buckles, modified or adapted helmet.(另外,请勿自行缝制、拆线、烧或烤焦、漂白拉带,请勿自行锉磨带扣,修改或改造头盔。)
Then I used the rotary rasp to, you know, V it out.(然后我使用旋转锉,你知道,让它有V型。)
rasp是什么意思 rasp在线翻译 rasp什么意思 rasp的意思 rasp的翻译 rasp的解释 rasp的发音 rasp的同义词