1. a coarse file with sharp pointed projections
Synonym: wood file
2. uttering in an irritated tone
Synonym: rasping
1. utter in a grating voice
2. scrape with a rasp
1. 发出难听(或刺耳)的声音;尖声叫嚷
If someone rasps, their voice or breathing is harsh and unpleasant to listen to.
e.g. 'Where've you put it?' he rasped...
e.g. He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving chest...
2. (物体摩擦时)发出刺耳的声音
If something rasps or if you rasp it, it makes a harsh, unpleasant sound as it rubs against something hard or rough.
e.g. Sabres rasped from scabbards and the horsemen spurred forward...
e.g. Foden rasped a hand across his chin...
3. 锉子;锉刀
A rasp is a long metal tool with rough surfaces, used to rub solid objects and give them smooth surfaces.
1. 锉刀:小洞在靠右边的墙上有两条缠绕的锁链,从墙角的老鼠洞内找出锉刀(rasp)把铁链锉开,一具骷髅突然从天而降. 我毫不犹豫地拿走它的木制假腿(peg leg)和笛子(flute),既然是上天赐给我的,一定有它的原因. 把随身带的酒通过狱墙上的小洞给隔壁,
2. 木锉:木胶粉 ureaformal dehyde resin glue | 木锉 rasp | 木螺钉;木牙螺丝 wood screw
3. 粗锉;木锉:rapid transit system 快速运输系统 | rasp 粗锉;木锉 | raster data 栅格数据
4. 粗锉:scraper 三角刮刀 | rasp 粗锉 | file 锉
5. rasp的近义词
5. rasp:remote antenna signal processor; 远端天线信号处理器
6. rasp:random access stored program machine; 随机访问存储程序机器
The Powerfile gave as good a finish as a rasp.
出自:Which?As if it had been rasped by a rough rounded file.
出自:W. Borlase