英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:29:33


英 [ˈredələnt]

美 [ˈrɛdlənt]

adj.有 ... 香味的;令人想起 ... 的

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令人想起 ... 的
有 ... 香味的

副词: redolently

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  • 芬芳的
  • 芳香的
  • 令人想起...的
  • 有…气味的,有…的强烈气味
  • 馥郁的

1. 使人想起…的;使人联想到…的
If something is redolent of something else, it has features that make you think of that other thing.

e.g. ...percussion instruments, redolent of Far Eastern cultures.
e.g. ...a sad tale, redolent with regret.

2. 有…气味的;使人联想起…气味的
If something is redolent of something else, it smells strongly of that other thing.

e.g. ...the air redolent of cinnamon and apple.
e.g. ...redolent with the scent of rosemary.


1. 芳香的:Succulent:目录,时间表 | Redolent:芳香的 | Cerebral:大脑的,清醒的

2. 芬芳的:redolence 芬芳 | redolent 芬芳的 | redone 重做

3. 芬芳的,芳香的:recondite 深奥的 | redolent 芬芳的,芳香的 | redoubtable 可敬畏的

4. 芳香的nVU中国英语学习网:succulent:目录,时间表nVU中国英语学习网 | redolent:芳香的nVU中国英语学习网 | cerebral:大脑的,清醒的nVU中国英语学习网

  • 经典引文

  • The whole room was redolent of old tobacco and cats.

    出自:A. Brink
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It is, in essence, a new piece of city. It is a site redolent with history.(本质上它属于城市的新区,带有沉重的历史感。)
There came by, on a mule with rich purple housings, an old man redolent of wealth.(一个泛着铜钱气味的老人骑着带有富丽的紫色披挂的骡子走了过来。)
Ancient signs and inscriptions were still carved inside them, "mystic characters" redolent with wisdom if you knew how to read them.(古老的标志和铭文依旧能够在它们的内部可以找到。如果你知道怎么读懂它们,你会发现这些“神秘的字符”仍旧散发着智慧的光芒。)
The kitchen was redolent of onions.(厨房里满是洋葱味。)
The redolent images of time gone by with beauty that blends in the wink of an eye.(时间的散发出浓烈的图像过去了美容,在眼睛的眨眼融合。)
Painting process, paint is redolent with the pungent smell, so I doubt the quality of the paint.(刷漆过程中,油漆散发出浓烈的刺鼻味,于是我对漆的质量产生怀疑。)
Underneath, visitors can stroll unaccompanied along a redolent sluiceway.(在这座博物馆底下,游客可以在无人陪伴的情况下独自沿着一条气味浓烈的泄水道漫步。)
She's so pure and naive that to me she's redolent of angel.(她是如此单纯天真,对于我来说她简直就是天使。)
Some minutes later, as he was driving down a back street redolent of Fried fish and urine, a woman screaming in agony, her groin dripping blood, stretched out her arms toward him.(几分钟后,当里厄开车沿着一条散发着煎鱼和尿臭味的后街行进时,一个痛苦喊叫的妇人向他伸出双手,胯间滴着血。)
A partial exception is Hungarian cuisine, which is not for those following a low-fat diet, yet still redolent of Hapsburg-era sophistication.(匈牙利美食是个部分的意外,这不是对于那些追求低脂肪饮食者来说的,但仍散发着哈布斯堡时代精美饮食的香味。)
redolent是什么意思 redolent在线翻译 redolent什么意思 redolent的意思 redolent的翻译 redolent的解释 redolent的发音 redolent的同义词