英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪˈkleɪm]

美 [rɪˈklem]


形容词: reclaimable 名词: reclaimant 过去式: reclaimed 过去分词: reclaimed 现在分词: reclaiming 第三人称单数: reclaims

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  • 开垦(荒地),开拓
  • 感化,教化
  • 要求收回,试图取回,要求恢复,要求归还
  • 使改过,使悔改
  • 利用(荒地)
  • 驯服,降服,把(鹰)养乖
  • 收回,叫回,取回,拿回
  • 抗辩
  • 悔改,改邪归正,改正,矫正
  • 荒漠化,抛荒,重新变为沙漠,沙化
  • 改造(荒地)
  • 回收(利用)
  • 改造
  • 感化,教化
  • 矫正,悔改,改邪归正
  • 开垦
  • 再生利用
  • 收回,取回
  • 取回,是英国制造的潜艇救护船
  • vt. 开拓; 垦殖 bring back waste land, etc. to a useful condition, a state of cultivation, etc.
  • vt. 改正; 改造 reform a person
  • vt. 收回 demand that sth be given back


1. overcome the wildness of
make docile and tractable

e.g. He tames lions for the circus
reclaim falcons

Synonym: domesticatedomesticizedomesticisetame

2. make useful again
transform from a useless or uncultivated state

e.g. The people reclaimed the marshes

3. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one

e.g. The Church reformed me
reform your conduct

Synonym: reformregeneraterectify

4. reuse (materials from waste products)

Synonym: recover

5. claim back

Synonym: repossess

1. 要求归还(或恢复);收回
If you reclaim something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you, you succeed in getting it back.

e.g. In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...
e.g. 'I've come to reclaim my property,' she announced to the desk clerk.

2. 收回;拿回;申请退(税)
If you reclaim an amount of money, for example tax that you have paid, you claim it back.

e.g. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.

3. 开垦(荒地);开拓(耕地或建筑用地)
When people reclaim land, they make it suitable for a purpose such as farming or building, for example by draining it or by building a barrier against the sea.

e.g. The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water.
e.g. ...a scheme to build a residential development on 1,100 acres of reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay.

4. 使(农田、建筑用地)重新变成(沙漠、森林或海洋)
If a piece of land that was used for farming or building is reclaimed by a desert, forest, or the sea, it turns back into desert, forest, or sea.


e.g. The diamond towns are gradually being reclaimed by the desert...
e.g. This method of spraying would allow the land to be reclaimed by the rain forests.

5. 挽救;感化
If you reclaim a person who has been involved in bad or criminal behaviour, you cause them to stop acting in that way.

e.g. He set out to fight the drug infestation of Omaha by reclaiming a youth from the local gangs.


1. 回收:虚拟内存操作:包括调页(paging)和交换(swapping)paging:回收(reclaim)页被重新使用. Swapping:把一个悬挂(suspended)进程的修改过的(dirty)页写回磁盘swap空间,这样可以释放大量内存. 配置完一个系统后,为改善系统性能,

2. 取回:同学们吓得夺门而逃(elude)书就留在教室里,于是同学们就到教室管理员那里取回(reclaim)书,上网发贴子谴责(declaim)他,他很痛苦. 最后沙同学宣布(proclaim)要剪头发,并作了首<>纪念自已的头发,在大家面前朗诵(declaim)---头皮头屑飞满天,

3. 归还:Array delete首先按照与初始化动作相反的次序销毁数组中的每一个元素,然后唤起一个名为operator delete[]的函数以归还(reclaim)存储空间. 应该注意的是,对于使用scalar delete(用于单个量的delete)删除数组的错误做法,

4. reclaim在线翻译

4. 再生:recirculation 再循环 | reclaim 再生 | reclaiming 再生

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    把(某人)从(某种不良生活方式)中拯救出来 save (sb) from (a bad way of life)
  • They reclaimed wasteland.
  • The farmer reclaimed the swamp by draining it.
  • He reclaimed her from a life of vice.
  • Society reclaims criminals by teaching them skills.
  • He had no right to take your book away, so reclaim it.
  • The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.
  • At the end of the trip we reclaimed our luggage.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Henrietta had reclaimed him from a life of vice.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • reclaim的基本意思是“开垦”“垦殖”,指通过努力把荒芜的土地和恶劣的环境进行改造,使其有用处或变得更好,引申可表示“改造(人)”“改正(某种错误)”,即对偏离了正轨的人、罪人、恶棍或堕落者进行改造使其成为正派的、讲道德的人。reclaim还可作“收回”解,可指取回临时寄存的物品,也可指从废弃物品中回收有用的东西。
  • reclaim是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
reclaim, recoup, recover, recruit, retrieve
  • 这五个词均有“重新得到”的意思。它们的区别是:recover指“失而复得”,可指通过努力而寻回,也可指无意中找到; reclaim可指取回临时寄存的物品,也可指从废弃物品中回收有用的东西; recoup指原告在胜诉后从被告处取得的损害赔偿; recruit指用增加或补充的办法使某物恢复到原来的良好状态。retrieve指经过努力而收回某物或挽回名誉,或指弥补损失或改正错误。例如:
  • The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.图书馆要求他归还一年前借去的那本书。
  • You should recoup your investment within a year.你应当在一年之内挣回相当于你投资总额的红利。
  • Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad.那里的大多数教师都是从国外招聘来的。
  • He retrieved his spirits.他精神恢复了。
  • 相关列句
    Women Who think Too Much: How to Break Free of Overthinking and Reclaim Your Life.(《考虑太多的女人:如何突破反思,挽救您的生活》一书的作者。)
    Power cuts plunged the city into darkness, hampering efforts to reclaim the streets.(停电是这个城市陷入黑暗,阻碍了收复街道的工作。)
    You can reclaim unwanted file systems or disk space to save resources.(可以回收空闲的文件系统或磁盘空间以节省资源。)
    Then they took Britain to court to reclaim the down payment.(然后他们把英国告上了法庭索取剩下的预付定金。)
    And we're going to reclaim the future for our children.(我们要改造孩子们的未来。)
    You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.(你或许有权要求退回去年你交付的部分税金。)
    You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.(你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。)
    In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.(1986年,他们得到了恢复南非公民身份的权利。)
    My book, Reclaim Your Dreams, can help you figure that out.(我的书《唤回你的梦想》可以帮助解开这一切。)
    It’s not easy to find fault with a child’s effort to reclaim his lost parent.(的确,对于一个孩子努力找回自己失去的父母是很难进行挑剔和指责的。)
    reclaim是什么意思 reclaim在线翻译 reclaim什么意思 reclaim的意思 reclaim的翻译 reclaim的解释 reclaim的发音 reclaim的同义词