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更新时间:2025-03-24 20:30:58



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名词复数: refineries

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  • 精炼厂
  • 提炼厂
  • 精制厂
  • 炼糖厂
  • 精炼设备
  • 精糖厂
  • 炼油厂
  • 炼制厂


1. an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance

1. 精炼厂;提炼厂
A refinery is a factory where a substance such as oil or sugar is refined.

1. 炼油厂:此次公开的游戏实际画面影片主要是在炼油厂(Refinery)地图上,地球防卫部队(Global Defense Force,GDF)和异型部队(Strogg)两大阵营在游戏中实际进行战斗的情形,影片约长 1 分 40 秒.

2. 精炼厂:往前拾到Chaingun,附近有水晶和金属资源,派工程车(Dron)在附近修建基地,电厂(PowerPlant)生产电能,技术工厂(EngineeringFacility)用来科研开发,能量发射器(EnergyTransmitter)用来为覆盖半径的范围传送能量,精炼厂(Refinery)处理采矿车收集的资源,

3. 精练厂:空间站继续挖矿的工作.一旦你在空间站的仓库聚集了足够数量的同一种矿石以后你就可以使用那个空间站的精练厂(Refinery)来提炼(refine)矿物.注意:提炼不同种类的矿石所需的最小数量是不一样的.你不用给空间站钱来使用里面的设施,

4. 精炼场:建造花费:225 视野:10 能否被占领:Yes 建造时间:240(22秒) 生命:1500 提供能量:100 升级费用:N/A [香料精炼场](Refinery) 精炼厂是沙丘行星上所有香料产物的根据地.

OIL fire: Firefighters extinguished a fire near the Guwahati Refinery in Guwahati, India, Monday.(石油火灾:周一,印度古瓦哈提炼油厂附近,消防员扑灭了火灾。)
In 2007 a refinery in Indiana received a permit to increase discharges into Lake Michigan.(2007年,印第安纳州的一家精炼厂获准向密歇根湖排入更多废水。)
A truck carrying rebel fighters driving toward the oil refinery in Zawiyah, Libya, last week.(上星期,一辆运输反对派武装的卡车驶过利比亚zawiyah的炼油厂。)
Closing the Grenville refinery, however, would mean the immediate loss of about 1,200 jobs in the Grenville area.(然而,关闭格伦维尔炼油厂将意味着立即失去格伦维尔地区约1200个工作岗位。)
He blames dust and smoke from the refinery and the presence of the red mud pond.(他将之归咎于炼铝厂的烟尘和红色泥浆池塘的出现。)
The refinery fire sent a plume of thick black smoke from blazing spherical storage tanks.(从燃烧的炼油厂球形储藏罐中冒出一股黑色的浓烟。)
The prevailing culture at the Texas City Refinery was to accept cost reductions without challenge.(这里的意思感觉上不是说没有挑战性的成本削减,而是说成本削减被被毫无争议的采纳。)
Though the oil-refinery town of Brega is still in the colonel’s hands, it too is under pressure.(尽管石油重镇布雷加仍在卡扎菲手中,但也岌岌可危。)
An oil refinery caught fire and residents near a nuclear reactor were forced to evacuate.(一家炼油厂起火,核反应堆附近的居民被迫疏散。)
The twinkling lights of an oil refinery at dusk show the potential for beauty in industrial landscapes.(黄昏时分,精炼厂闪烁的灯光似乎昭示了这一行业的美好前景。)
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