英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˌri:ɪnˈkɑ:neɪt]

美 [ˌri:ɪnˈkɑ:rneɪt]



过去式: reincarnated 过去分词: reincarnated 现在分词: reincarnating 第三人称单数: reincarnates

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  • 使化身
  • (使)转世
  • 再赋与新的肉体
  • 使...再生
  • 使投胎
  • (使)转生
  • 化身的
  • 转世的
  • 再具肉身的
  • 转生的
  • 再生的



1. cause to appear in a new form

e.g. the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market

Synonym: renew

2. be born anew in another body after death

e.g. Hindus believe that we transmigrate

Synonym: transmigrate


1. having a new body

1. (使)转世;(使)再生
If people believe that they will be reincarnated when they die, they believe that their spirit will be born again and will live in the body of another person or animal.

e.g. ...their belief that human souls were reincarnated in the bodies of turtles.
e.g. ...a reincarnated soul.

1. 转生术:将灵魂返还身体的法术,比如死者复生术(raise dead)、转生术(reincarnate)和复活术(resurrection)无效. 它需要其它的法术效果,比如有限祈愿术(limited wish)、祈愿术(wish)、奇迹术(miracle)或完全复活术(true resurrection)来让它恢复生命.


2. 转生:将灵魂返还身体的法术,比如死者复生(raise dead)、转生(reincarnate)和复活术(resurrection)无效. 它需要其它的法术效果,比如有限祈愿术(limited wish)、祈愿术(wish)、奇迹术(miracle)或完全复活术(true resurrection)来让它恢复生命.


3. 使化身;使转生:incarnate 体现, 使具体化, 使成化身 | reincarnate 使化身;使转生 | sequestrate 扣押, 没收

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Yea ones cannot create new souls you know, only dark one's can reincarnate into your children's forms.(你们晓得你们无奈发明新灵魂,而黑暗的灵魂却能够以你的孩子的情势,转世化身。)
Then, we will act as of a justice reincarnate.(于是,我们来充当一个正义的化身。)
Glyph of Renewed Life - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate.(当你复生后一分钟内所有属性提高5%。)
If this is a new Elite hero please log your hero onto the game server, then wait one hour before attempting to reincarnate.(如果这是一个新精华英雄请采伐您的英雄游戏伺服器,然后等待一个小时在试图之前转世。)
Now some of those that get to stay with the planet are elderly and their bodies can't be prepared and they should reincarnate anyway, and these ones will, either here or on the new planet.(有些将留在地球的人,已经老迈,他们的身体无法准备好,无论如何他们将转世,这些人或者留在地球,或者去新行星金星。)
A character must be level 20 to True Reincarnate, and must speak with Kruz the reincarnation trainer in House Jorasco.(角色只有在20级的时候才能进行真转世,且必须和乔家的转世导师Kruz对话。)
She was a "reincarnate level 145," having undergone dangers and hardships to win her crown and sit astride a dragon covered in sparkling, flaming scales.(她如今是“转生145级”,历经艰险戴上了王冠,她的坐骑是一条浑身闪着火光的龙。)
I have cats that KNOW they reincarnate and I have one now who remembers me from long ago in a previous life of hers.(我有几只知道自己化身的猫,有一只记得我在她很久以前的一次生命中。)
Some people believe they may reincarnate in the form of an animal.(有些人相信他们死后可能转生为动物。)
Gilgul: The rite of destroying an Avatar as well as a mage's ability to do magic or to reincarnate.(轮回秘仪:一种摧毁法师化身的仪式,这么做的同时也摧毁了法师的施法或轮回转世的能力。)
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