英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:14:27



英 [ˈrɒndɪvu:]

美 [ˈrɑ:ndɪvu:]



名词复数: rendezvous 过去式: rendezvoused 过去分词: rendezvoused 现在分词: rendezvousing 第三人称单数: rendezvous

  • 英英释义

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1. a meeting planned at a certain time and place

2. a date
usually with a member of the opposite sex

Synonym: tryst

3. a place where people meet

e.g. he was waiting for them at the rendezvous


1. meet at a rendezvous

The form rendezvous is pronounced /'rɒndeɪvuːz/ when it is the plural of the noun or the third person singular of the verb. rendezvous用作名词复数或动词第三人称单数时读作/'rɒndeɪvuːz/。

1. (常指秘密的)约会,会面,会合
A rendezvous is a meeting, often a secret one, that you have arranged with someone for a particular time and place.

e.g. I had almost decided to keep my rendezvous with Tony.

2. 约会地点;见面地点
A rendezvous is the place where you have arranged to meet someone, often secretly.

e.g. Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport.

3. 与…约会;和…会面
If you rendezvous with someone or if the two of you rendezvous, you meet them at a time and place that you have arranged.

e.g. The plan was to rendezvous with him on Sunday afternoon...
e.g. She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards.

1. 集合点:事务(Transaction)的作用、什么时候需要增加事务、检查点(Check Point)的类型及其作用、哪些地方需要增加检查点、集合点(Rendezvous)的作用、集合点使用时的注意事项

2. rendezvous的反义词

2. 约会:EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第十八集:化装舞会(Masquerade)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第十九集:雪人(Snowman)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第二十集:神秘溶液(The Solution)EACHLOOK剧情网,分集介绍第二十一集:约会(Rendezvous)

3. rendezvous在线翻译

3. 集结:ion5 第三舰队集结 (Rendezvous )抚偃涣舆Mission6 白鸟1 (White Bird)精厄师臣唧Mission7 沙岛防卫战(Front Line)咯汕揎阝胎送盅雕a9vgMission8 货物的名字叫希望 (Handful of Hope)鬃贮沫挹哔蓉蚁寨任务目标:引导C-5穿越雷达区,

  • 经典引文

  • The cellar of our house was turned into a rendezvous for revolutionaries.

    出自:S. Rosenberg
  • In wave after wave they rendezvoused above the town of March.

    出自:C. Ryan
  • Sturdee rendezvoused with Rear Admiral Stoddart.

    出自:D. A. Thomas
The rendezvous is set for a ramshackle building beside a potholed road on the outskirts of Blagoveschensk.(见面地点约在了Blagoveschensk郊外一条崎岖不平的路旁一处摇摇欲坠的建筑物里。)
Their rendezvous would be the Plaza Hotel.(他们的会面地点将是广场大酒店。)
The Young Amelia was first at the rendezvous.(这次的约会还是少女阿梅丽号最先到达。)
"The rendezvous is appointed outside," said Theodule. "Let's have a look at the lass."(“约会地点在外边,”忒阿杜勒说,“可以看到那小姑娘了。”)
Another major test is how to consume the least possible propellant while achieving rendezvous and docking.(如何消耗最少的推进剂完成交会对接,也是重大考验。)
On other nights, I was networking or out with my girlfriends, but my secret intention was finding my next rendezvous.(其余的晚上,我上网或是和朋友们出去玩,但我做这些事情的真实意图其实是寻找下一个约会地点。)
One will carry the crew into space, while the other will lift their equipment and supplies to a rendezvous point in orbit.(其中一个搭载机组成员进入太空,另一个将携带他们的仪器和给养至轨道中的交汇点。)
The ability to rendezvous in orbit could be used to help clear out space junk or inspect or fix satellites.(轨道相会技术可以被用作清理太空垃圾或是卫星修理。)
For efficiency, Codezero implements three forms of IPC (all based on the rendezvous model).(为提高效率,Codezero实现了三种IPC(全部基于约会模型[rendezvousmodel])。)
Clear, distinct separation of relay, rendezvous, router, and transport functionality.(明确而清晰地分离开了中继、聚集、路由器和传输功能。)
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