英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:19:35



英 [rɪˈsɔ:sfl]

美 [rɪˈsɔ:rsfl]


副词: resourcefully 名词: resourcefulness

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  • 资源丰富的
  • 足智多谋的
  • 有策略的
  • 机敏的
  • 随机应变的
  • 有才干的
  • 很有办法的
  • 机智的
  • 灵活多样的
  • 诡计多端的
  • 鬼点子很多的



1. having inner resources
adroit or imaginative

e.g. someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations
an able and resourceful politician
the most resourceful cook in town

1. 足智多谋的;机智的;办法多的
Someone who is resourceful is good at finding ways of dealing with problems.

e.g. He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career...
e.g. Her mother was a resourceful and energetic woman.

Because of his adventures, he is a person of far greater experience and resourcefulness.


1. 足智多谋的:indispensable 不可缺的 超重要的 | resourceful 足智多谋的 | clip folder 资料夹

2. 资源丰富的:resource 资源 | resourceful 资源丰富的 | resourcefully 机智地

3. 策略的:reprobate 堕落的人(不是指责) | resourceful 策略的 | pensive 悲哀的(不是偏向喜好的)

4. resourceful

4. 机智的,足智多谋的:reflective 思考的 | resourceful 机智的,足智多谋的 | respectable 体面的

  • 经典引文

  • Resourceful in proposing solutions.

    出自:H. Macmillan
He is bright, personable and resourceful.(他聪明、机敏而且讨人喜欢。)
And the Terran, a resourceful band of human exiles.(以及人族,一批在星际间游荡寻找资源的人类放逐者。)
She is now divorced and, in her usual resourceful way, has started her own business.(她现在离婚了,并以她一贯机敏能干的作风开始自己创业。)
He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career.(他极具创造力又足智多谋,在我的职业生涯中起了重要的作用。)
He really is resourceful.(他还真有办法。)
After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough times, Cindy is no longer easily discouraged.(发现她在困难时期是多么足智多谋后,辛迪不再轻易气馁。)
Being relentlessly resourceful is definitely not the recipe for success in big companies, or in most schools.(“敏思笃行”绝对不是在大公司和学校里如鱼得水的法宝。)
What I'm saying is, I loved my university because it taught us all to be resourceful and we could make what we wanted out of it.(我想说的是,我爱我的大学,因为它教会我们所有人变得足智多谋,我们可以从中得到我们想要的。)
The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources.(让孩子学会左右逢源的方法是让他们使用自己的资源。)
There probably are other fields where "relentlessly resourceful" is the recipe for success.(或许还有一些领域里,“敏思笃行”也是成功的秘方。)
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