英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈrenəveɪt]

美 [ˈrɛnəˌvet]


名词: renovation 过去式: renovated 过去分词: renovated 现在分词: renovating 第三人称单数: renovates

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 恢复的
  • 革新的
  • 翻新的
  • 恢复
  • 更新
  • 修理
  • 重做
  • 改善
  • 修补
  • 使精神一新
  • 弄干净
  • 修复
  • 整修
  • 革新
  • 翻新
  • 重新粉刷
  • vt. 翻新;修复;整修 renew sth;make sth (especially a building) look like new;repair



1. give new life or energy to

e.g. A hot soup will revive me
This will renovate my spirits
This treatment repaired my health

Synonym: animaterecreatereanimatereviverepairquickenvivifyrevivify

2. make brighter and prettier

e.g. we refurbished the guest wing
My wife wants us to renovate

Synonym: refurbishfreshen up

3. restore to a previous or better condition

e.g. They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Synonym: restitute

1. 修复;改造;翻新
If someone renovates an old building, they repair and improve it and get it back into good condition.

e.g. The couple spent thousands renovating the house...
e.g. She lives in a large, renovated farmhouse.

...a property which will need extensive renovation.

1. 革新:然而,确实有太多的作法、技术和工具可用来改进产品、服务、系统、过程和活动. 以下提出四R策略,即修缮(Repair)、改良(Refine)、革新(Renovate)以及重新创造(Reinvent),这四种策略或许能给有心致力改善的管理者提供一些借鉴之处.

2. renovate

2. 修复:通常要求服从GMP要求的器械在下列情况下可以豁免:再加工者在联邦规章典集第21篇第820.3(w)节中,再加工者被定义为对成品器械进行加工、整修(condition)、修复(renovate)、重新包装(repackage)、重新贮存(restore)或任何其他改变该成

3. renovate在线翻译

3. 革新;修理:renew 重建,换新 | renovate 革新;修理 | repair 修复,修补

4. 修理,更新:renounce 放弃,否认 | renovate 修理,更新 | renown 名声,名望

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He renovated his house.
  • 1
  • The house has been renovated three years earlier.
  • The city should..renovate the housing..already there.

    出自:G. Naylor
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They raised enough money to renovate the church basement.(他们由此挣到足够的钱,装修了教堂地下室。)
Let it renovate your life.(让它重塑你的生活。)
It is the most cost effective way to renovate your kitchen.(它是最有效的方式更新您的厨房。)
Falling residential land prices have discouraged people from moving but encouraged them to renovate, boosting building firms.(由于居住用地价格的下降,人们不再不停的搬迁,而是选择了重建,建筑公司也从中获益。)
They talked about favorite movies and music. They made plans to renovate their house.(两人说起了最爱的电影和音乐,说起了修缮房屋的计划。)
We had to renovate this after the lake overflowed its banks a couple of months ago and flooded the area.(几个月前,湖水漫过河岸,淹没了这个地区,我们不得不对它进行整修。)
The kitchen is first room we decided to renovate.(厨房是我们决定改建的第一个房间。)
Built in the 1930s, the 2,000-square-foot building had been shuttered for years because the county didn't have the money to renovate it.(建于1930年代的2000平方英尺的建筑已经被关闭多年了,因为国家没有钱去修复它。)
The applicant, a 28-year-old single man from Changchun, wanted the money to renovate his home.(这是一名28岁的单身男子,来自长春,想用这笔钱翻修自己的住房。)
They are going to renovate the old furniture.(他们准备将旧家具整修一番。)
renovate是什么意思 renovate在线翻译 renovate什么意思 renovate的意思 renovate的翻译 renovate的解释 renovate的发音 renovate的同义词