英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:47:59



英 [ˌrestɪˈtju:ʃn]

美 [ˌrestɪˈtu:ʃn]


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  • 赔偿
  • 归还
  • 恢复
  • 复职
  • 补偿
  • 恢复原状
  • 归还(真正物主)
  • 赔款
  • 【物】复原
  • 【化】复原取代(作用)
  • 【律】要求恢复原状的诉讼
  • 复业
  • 再组
  • 归还原主
  • 偿还


1. getting something back again

e.g. upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing

Synonym: returnrestorationregaining

2. the act of restoring something to its original state

3. a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury

Synonym: damagesamendsindemnityindemnificationredress

1. 归还;赔偿;偿还
Restitution is the act of giving back to a person something that was lost or stolen, or of paying them money for the loss.

e.g. The victims are demanding full restitution...
e.g. We have asked that they rehire the people that were fired and that they make restitution to them.

1. 归还:救济方式包括:(i)退还赃物(Disgorgement)指定特别律师负责指控公司内部员工;(iii)指定接管人或监管人(Receivers o r不许在公共公司任职、实施执法程序、归还(Restitution)等.

2. 返还:由于其他因素的影响,在一些案件中适用像返还(restitution)这样的救济方式可能是更适当的. 但是,在没有最大限度地考量原告的实际损失之前,适用哪种救济是没有办法确定的. 当一般损害赔偿确定下来的时候,法院就会去考虑特别的损害赔偿.

3. restitution

3. 恢复:如果我一个防止刚体穿透,以及用于模拟摩擦(friction)和恢复(restitution)的特殊约束. 你永远都不必创建等. 关节可以支持限制(limits)和马达(motors). 一个关节限制(joint limit)限定了一个关节的运动范围. 例如人类的胳膊肘只能做某一范围角度的运

  • 经典引文

  • Many a pound..Have I dispursed..And never ask'd for restitution.

    出自:2 Henry VI,Shakespeare
  • He had been promised restitution of his property.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • We must..make restitution if we have defrauded people.

    出自:R. A. Knox
If anyone eats a sacred offering by mistake, he must make restitution to the priest for the offering and add a fifth of the value to it.(若有人误吃了圣物,要照圣物的原数加上五分之一,交给祭司。)
Ascension brings about restitution of all karmic manipulations.(提升带来了对所有业力操控的归还。)
When a defendant is sentenced to the D.O.C., the court must fix the amount of restitution on the mittimus.(当被告被判处宽限日期时,法院必须将赔偿额固定在收监令上。)
The offender made proper restitution to the victim's kindred .(违法者对受害人亲属给予了适当的补偿。)
If restitution were awarded, the award of lost profits would be analogous to cases of temporary dispossession.(如果裁决为恢复原状,那么对利润损失的裁决就类似于暂时剥夺财产。)
The theme of the project that we developed for the "landscape house" is the restitution of an exterior space.(对于该项目,我们建立的主题是“景观住宅”——对室外空间的补偿。)
So the act of forgiving others, whether or not there is a reciprocal repentance and restitution, becomes essential for one's own well-being.(所以无论对方是否后悔或愿意做出赔偿,为了自己的健康也必须宽恕别人。)
The restitution coefficient was applied to describe the impact problem.(引入弹性恢复系数法描述砂粒间碰撞问题。)
However, the most famous outstanding case of art restitution remains the Elgin marbles in the British Museum in London.(然而,艺术品追讨案件中最引人注目的仍属伦敦大英博物馆的埃尔金大理石浮雕。)
In an attempt to settle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution.(为了结此案,莫尔肯已同意赔偿。)
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