英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:21:20


英 [ˌrezəˈrekt]

美 [ˌrɛzəˈrɛkt]


名词: resurrector 过去式: resurrected 过去分词: resurrected 现在分词: resurrecting 第三人称单数: resurrects

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1. cause to become alive again

e.g. raise from the dead
Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected
Upraising ghosts

Synonym: raiseupraise

2. return from the dead

e.g. Christ is risen!
The dead are to uprise

Synonym: riseuprise

3. restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state

e.g. He revived this style of opera
He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina

Synonym: revive

1. 使复兴;恢复;使重新出现
If you resurrect something, you cause it to exist again after it had disappeared or ended.

e.g. Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once...
e.g. Sam Torrance is the man I have to thank for resurrecting my career.

This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s.

1. 复活:Anjali Rao 问的问题就是你说了自己说了indefinitely退出,现在又推出了电影sniper,你真的认为你可以复活(resurrect)自己的(演艺)事业?(幸好俺的英语够好),Anjali的问题的原意就是把这个indefinitely当成正常的理解,即无限期直到永远.

2. 复活选择的个人:.killallnpc : 杀死所有的NPC的形象. | .resurrect : 复活选择的个人. | .setsize : 设置NPC的大小.

3. 复活一个死去的盟友,每场战斗仅能使用一次:-Incapacitate:给予目标损伤,附加失能状态. | -Resurrect:复活一个死去的盟友,每场战斗仅能使用一次. | -Mindstrike:攻击敌人的理智,附加狂暴状态.

4. 死后变成僵尸,即复活:resurrect死后变成僵尸,即复活 | allitems得到弹药和所有武器 | goodhealth生命值全满

  • 经典引文

  • Old bikes Stan had resurrected off the tip.

    出自:D. Hewett
  • Every failure..of the detective's past was resurrected in a scathing attack.

    出自:R. Travers
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The Hepatic agent will also resurrect any crashed agents or containers, thus achieving agent platform stability and fault tolerance.(高级代理也将修复任何损坏的代理集群或黑箱,从而实现代理平台的稳定性和容错性。)
Would you want to spend the peak years of your career trying to resurrect a team?(你想花费你职业生涯里这几年的巅峰时间来救活一支球队吗?)
Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.(为恢复停战所作的努力已经失败过一次了。)
These folks talk of cells that learn to resurrect themselves.(这些人谈学习复活自己的细胞。)
Once your active corpse decays we will resurrect you at the nearest graveyard.(一旦你的尸体开始腐坏,我们就会在最近的墓地将你复活。)
They will resurrect you at the graveyard with your gear intact.(他们会在墓地复活玩家,带有完整的物品。)
So God will resurrect the dead.(那么上帝将复活死者。)
"Resurrect" is also a back-formation.(“Resurrect”这个词也是一个逆成词。)
It's a session number, ready to resurrect data about you, held in persistent storage from previous visits to the Web site.(这是一个会话编号(准备好再现关于您的数据),它存储在之前对Web站点访问的持久性存储中。)
The scientists believe the genetic adaptation technique could be used to resurrect body parts and proteins from other extinct animals.(科学家相信,猛犸象的这种遗传性适应技术(为适应北极寒冷的环境,静脉中出现防冻剂),可能能够被用于复活其他已灭绝动物的身体部位或者蛋白质。)
resurrect是什么意思 resurrect在线翻译 resurrect什么意思 resurrect的意思 resurrect的翻译 resurrect的解释 resurrect的发音 resurrect的同义词