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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:24:24
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  • 【医】鼻(黏膜)炎


1. an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose (usually associated with nasal discharge)

Synonym: coryza

1. 鼻炎
If you suffer from rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, your nose is very sore and liquid keeps coming out of it.

1. rhinitis的翻译

1. 鼻炎:具体内容: 鼻炎(Rhinitis)指的是鼻腔粘膜和粘膜下组织的炎症. 表现为充血或者水肿,患者经常会出现鼻塞,流清水涕,鼻痒,喉部不适,咳嗽等症状. 鼻腔分泌的稀薄液体样物质称为鼻涕或者鼻腔分泌物,其作用是帮助清除灰尘,细菌以保持肺部的健康.

2. 鼻炎, 鼻粘膜炎:edema 水肿 | rhinitis 鼻炎, 鼻粘膜炎 | bronchitis 支气管炎

3. 鼻粘膜炎:Gastroenteritis 肠胃炎 3 1 | Rhinitis 鼻粘膜炎 3 1 | Arthritis 关节炎 2 1

4. 鼻炎醫藥呼吸系統:56787鼻吻酒杯娛樂酒店snifter | 56788鼻炎醫藥呼吸系統rhinitis | 56789鼻炎藥醫藥西藥phinamine

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Are rhinitis and pharyngitis had best the most effective treatment method ah?(鼻炎和咽炎有没有最好最有效的治疗方法啊?)
What triggers non-allergic rhinitis?(什么触发非过敏性鼻炎?)
Atrophic rhinitis is very difficult to treat.(萎缩性鼻炎是非常困难的治疗。)
Allergic rhinitis is one of the most prevalent medical conditions.(过敏性鼻炎是最常见的疾病之一。)
Perennial allergic rhinitis, triggered by dust mites, animal dander, and mold, occurs year-round.(常年变态反应性鼻炎由尘螨、动物毛发皮屑、霉菌引起并常年发作。)
Talk to your doctor for more suggestions on how to protect your children from rhinitis.(更多如何保护您的孩子从性鼻炎的建议,向您的医生。)
A person with this type of rhinitis may have symptoms when exposed to temperature and humidity changes.(这种类型的鼻炎的人可能有症状,当暴露在温度和湿度变化。)
Mangosteen could be one of the possible remedies for allergic rhinitis because it blocks histamine production, but what about inflammation?(山竹果可以作为治疗过敏性鼻炎的一种方法了,因为它可以抑制组织胺的产生,但炎症怎么办呢?)
Being somewhat skeptical in nature, he decided to stop using the mangosteen juice as a treatment for his allergic rhinitis for one day.(因为对自然界的怀疑,他决定停止一天使用山竹果作为治疗过敏性鼻炎的药物。)
Often a person may have more than one types of rhinitis.(往往是一个人可能有多个类型的鼻炎。)
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