英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:26:24
  • 双语例句


1. But going beyond the ring-road to the suburbs, the total built-up area has a population of 10m.

2. The M25 is the longest ring-road motorway in the world at 121.5 miles (195.5 km) long.

3. Commanders say that the American reinforcements will be used to improve security in provinces surrounding Kabul, to protect the ring-road that girdles the country's capital and, above all, to reinforce NATO's faltering effort in southern Afghanistan.

4. The paper applies the proposed methodology to derive the time-varying OD demands for the Western 3rd Ring-Road corridor network in Beijing, which is shown to be accurate and practical.

5. ring-road

5. Trondheim, Norway is third -largest city, desperately needed a ring-road to stop huge flows of traffic coming through the centre of town.

6. Changsha Ring-Road Construction Development Co., Ltd is responsible for the integral planning and the construction of surrounding auxiliary infrastructure.

7. According to officers in the NATO-led force, the first priority will be to reclaim the ring-road, Afghanistan`s main artery, around which the main population centres are concentrated.


8. Design for the Drainage System of Addis Ababa Ring-road Project

9. ring-road的意思

9. Up to now, the subway crossing project through Hongxu Road is a pipe-roof project with the biggest cross-section box culvert in the world. It is constructed in saturated soft soil stratum in the Beihong Road located in the middle ring-road in Shanghai.

It's over there across the 4th Ring Road beside the Anhui Building.(就在四环路对面安徽大厦的旁边。)
But going beyond the ring-road to the suburbs, the total built-up area has a population of 10m.(但是在环城公路以外的城郊,整个结合区有人口1000万。)
In rolling strikes this week, scores of licensed taxi drivers jammed the traffic by blocking intermittently the ring-road or périphérique, access to airports and the Place de la Concorde.(本周罢工此起彼伏,几十个持证的士司机时不时堵住通向机场和协和广场的环城公路,制造交通拥堵,。)
Mid-Priced Hotel: Ibis Chengdu Yongfeng, No 1 Section 4, Southern Second Ring Road, Chengdu.(中等价位的宾馆:成都永丰宜必思酒店,成都市武侯区二环路南四段1号。)
New buildings like the International Post Office and Bank of China have been built along the Second Ring Road, the former line of the Inner City wall.(如今,二环路沿线,也就是原先的内城墙沿线,已经建起了诸如国际邮局、中国银行等新的建筑。)
The idea behind Operation Panther’s Claw is to extend control of the populous, irrigated “green zone” by linking up the capital of Helmand, Lashkar Gah, with Gereshk, on the main ring road.(美洲豹爪作战计划旨在把赫尔曼德的省会城市拉什卡尔加和在主环道上的格罗斯克连接起来,扩大对人口密集,可进行灌溉的“绿区”的控制。)
Traditional downtown Xian refers to the area encircled by the city wall, this has now been expanded to encompass the area within the second ring road (er 'huan Lu).(传统的市中心区是指被西安的城墙包围的地区,现在已经被扩大到包括在二环路的区域。)
Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like was watching a movie in fast-forward.(驱车行驶在三环路上,我感到仿佛是在观看一部快进的电影。)
Zhou Yuanyan is becoming middle class – one ring road at a time.(周原研(音译)正逐步晋身中产阶级——她“每一步前进一环路”。)
Then, on May 4th, tens of thousands formed a human chain around both sides of the 27km (17-mile) ring road, surrounding and cutting off the capital.(随后,5月4日数万人组成长约27公里的人链,将首都包围并切断其与外界的联系。)
ring-road是什么意思 ring-road在线翻译 ring-road什么意思 ring-road的意思 ring-road的翻译 ring-road的解释 ring-road的发音 ring-road的同义词