英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 17:16:22



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名词: robber 过去式: robbed 过去分词: robbed 现在分词: robbing 第三人称单数: robs

  • 详情解释

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  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 抢劫,掠夺,抢夺,强夺,夺取
  • 剥夺,非法剥夺,使丧失
  • 盗劫,盗窃,盗取
  • 【矿】滥掘
  • 剥削
  • 对...掠夺
  • 罗布(音译名)
  • 一种由水果汁和糖做成的糖浆
  • vt. & vi. 抢夺; 抢劫; 掠夺 take property from a place unlawfully and often by force


1. rip off
ask an unreasonable price

Synonym: overchargesoaksurchargegazumpfleeceplumepluckhook

2. take something away by force or without the consent of the owner

e.g. The burglars robbed him of all his money

1. 抢劫;抢夺;打劫
If someone is robbed, they have money or property stolen from them.

e.g. Mrs Yacoub was robbed of her £3,000 designer watch at her West London home...
e.g. Police said Stefanovski had robbed a man just hours earlier.

2. 夺走;剥夺
If someone is robbed of something that they deserve, have, or need, it is taken away from them.

e.g. When Miles Davis died, jazz was robbed of its most distinctive voice...
e.g. I can't forgive Lewis for robbing me of an Olympic gold.

Do not confuse rob and steal. If someone robs someone or a place, they take something, often violently, from that person or place without asking and without intending to give it back. They planned to rob an old widow... They joined forces to rob a factory. You can also say that someone robs you of something when referring to what has been taken. The two men were robbed of more than £700. If someone steals something, for example, money or a car, they take it without asking and without intending to give it back. My car was stolen on Friday evening. Note that you cannot say that someone 'steals' someone.
不要混淆rob和steal。rob表示抢劫某人或某地:They planned to rob an old widow(他们打算抢劫一位老寡妇),They joined forces to rob a factory(他们联手抢劫了一家工厂)。rob 也可以表示从某人身上抢走某物:The two men were robbed of more than £700(这两个男人被抢走了700多英镑)。steal表示偷窃:My car was stolen on Friday evening(星期五晚上我的汽车被偷了)。注意不能说steal someone。

1. 抢劫:游戏中的模版(matrix)再配上玩家掷出的骰子大小决定遭遇地方或人的特征,玩家根据它来选择自己的行动,如一人遭遇的是愚蠢的王子(foolish + prince),可以选择避开(avoid),帮助(aid),抢劫(rob)等等,异性还可以选择追求(court),

2. 罗伯:三子罗伯(Rob)是沃尔玛公司的董事长,也是公司和家族的联系纽带,不可低估. 幼女爱丽丝(Alice)是美国最富有的女人,为了专心饲养名马而关闭了自己的投资银行,她还曾领导阿肯色州西北部的开发活动. 沃尔顿家族历来不愿与媒体谈及私人生活,

3. 克:昨天晚上......为了要看HP4,熬夜到好晚......其实我不想再看HP了......熬到那么晚只是为了看Rob那几个少得可怜的镜头......说实话,塞德里克(Rob)好帅哒~整晚犯花痴......最后眼皮都抬不起来了......但是,

4. rob:right out back; 右脚向后外刃


5. rob:re order buffer; 重排序缓冲区

6. rob:reorder buffer; 重排序缓冲器

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    剥夺(某人)… deprive sb of sth
    rob sb of sth

    He robbed me of my money.


    The robbers robbed the bank of 100,000 dollars.


    They knocked me down and robbed me of my wallet.


    Fear robbed him of speech.


    An accident robbed him of his life.


    You have robbed me of my happiness.


    The court robbed the criminal of his civil right.


    He was robbed of his week's wages by a pickpocket.


    I was robbed of my cash and cheque-book.


  • He said he would not rob again.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The troubles of life had..robbed the elder lady of her beauty.

    出自:A. Trollope
  • An enterprising thief could rob her of all her money.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • His bailiff has been robbing him for years.

    出自:V. S. Pritchett
  • My Chanel suit cost 70 quid, and even then..I was robbed.

    出自:Sunday Express
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • rob的基本意思是“抢夺”“抢劫”“掠夺”,多指用公然恐吓、暴力或哄骗等非法手段剥夺他人的财物或名誉、地位、权利等。
  • rob既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其对象可以是人,也可以是银行、商店等具体场所,还可以是抽象名词。
  • 说“抢劫某人的东西”或“剥夺某人有权享受的东西”时,要用 rob sb. of sth.句型。
  • rob的过去式和过去分词均为robbed。
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0词性常用度
rob, deprive, steal
  • 这三个词都可表示采取非法手段夺取他人的钱财或权利。其区别是:
  • 1.steal是以隐蔽的方式偷取他人钱财,其宾语是被窃物。
  • 2.rob是以公开的方式抢劫他人钱财,其宾语是受害者或场所。例如:
  • He said he would not rob the bank again.他说他不再抢劫银行了。
  • They robbed the woman.他们抢了那个妇女。
  • He was robbed of his week's wages by a pickpocket.他一周的薪金被扒手夺去了。
  • 3.deprive的意思是“剥夺”,其对象都多是“权利”“资格”等抽象的东西。例如:
  • An accident deprived him of his life.事故使他丧失了生命。
  • The court deprived the criminal of his civil right.法庭剥夺了那罪犯的公民权。
  • He was deprived the right of vote.他被剥夺了选举权。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Rob: To successful projects!(祝贺项目圆满完成!)
    She knew they would rob her of the car.(她知道他们会抢劫她的车。)
    That worries Rob Behrens, who deals with student complaints.(负责处理学生投诉的罗布·贝伦斯对此感到担忧。)
    Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him.(不可欺骗你的邻舍,也不可抢劫他。)
    Who'll we rob?(我们抢劫谁呢?)
    Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail shop.(她父亲被某个试图抢劫他的小零售店的人开枪打中了。)
    Then he can rob his house.(必先摆捆住那壮士,才可以抢夺他的家。)
    Such efforts rob the team of feeling self-direction and ownership of their process.(这样的努力剥夺了团队对过程的自我指导和所有权。)
    They rob us, they infringe our rights, they kill us.(他们劫掠我们,他们侵犯我们的权利,他们屠杀我们。)
    Rob, you always get so excited on Christmas Day.(罗布,你在圣诞节总是很兴奋。)
    rob是什么意思 rob在线翻译 rob什么意思 rob的意思 rob的翻译 rob的解释 rob的发音 rob的同义词