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更新时间:2025-03-17 17:16:33
  • 双语例句

1. robot-arm的近义词

1. The disabled can use robot-arm to do some simple movements.

2. The system is made up of the mechanical structure, which includes stent, robot-arm and lifting base, and control system, including the PC, USM and the controller.


3. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.

"If you wanted to have a robot arm move left," Chapin explains, "you would have to find that small set of neurons that would carry the command to move to the left."(查平说:“如果你想要机器人臂向左动,你就得找携带向左运动指令的那小撮神经元。”)
Choice of color let the robot arm more modern.(色彩的选择让机器人手臂更具现代感。)
Users can see the video, control the movement and robot arm by another computer in network/internet.(用户既可观看视频,也可通过网络/互联网上的其他电脑控制机器人手臂的移动。)
The controller sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to actuate the end effectors.(控制器负责发送信号给动力源并驱使机器人手到达准确的位置,激活终端操作机构的运行。)
The monkeys quickly learned how to move the arm around with pure thought; their neurons reorganized, establishing a new feedback loop between brain and robot arm.(猴子的神经元形成了新的协同结构,从而在大脑和机械手之间形成了新的反馈环。)
This paper proposes a new spring balance structure used for the robot arm.(介绍一种用于机器人手臂平衡的新型弹簧平衡机构的结构设计与分析方法。)
In one activity, children try to get a robot arm to pick up a block and place it in a cup.(在一个活动里,小孩试图让机器人的手臂捡起一块积木并把它放在杯子里。)
Backdropped against Earth's horizon and the blackness of space, Endeavour's Canadian-built robot arm appears amidst elements of the International space Station.(以地球概貌和深邃漆黑的宇宙空间为背景,奋进号上由加拿大人制造的机器人手臂展现在画面里,成为国际空间站的一景。)
For instance, Miguel Nicolelis of Duke University and his colleagues put electrodes in the brains of monkeys to link them to a robot arm.(例如,杜克大学的米吉尔·尼克勒利斯和他的同事就做了这么一个实验:他们把电极安装在猴子大脑里,再连接到机器人手上,结果猴子很快据学会单纯用意念去控制机械手的本领。)
This allows the robot arm to even pick up things it has never seen before, with a high rate of success.(这使机器手臂甚至能够抓起它从未见过的东西,成功率非常高。)
robot-arm是什么意思 robot-arm在线翻译 robot-arm什么意思 robot-arm的意思 robot-arm的翻译 robot-arm的解释 robot-arm的发音 robot-arm的同义词