英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:32:03



英 [ˌru:dɪˈmentri]

美 [ˌrudəˈmɛntəri, -ˈmɛntri]


副词: rudimentarily 名词: rudimentariness

  • 详情解释

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  • 基本的
  • 初步的
  • 退化的
  • 早期的
  • 发展未完全的
  • 残遗的
  • 基础的
  • 未充分发展的
  • 原始的
  • 初创的
  • 不健全的
  • 不完善的
  • 不完全的
  • 不发达的
  • 不成熟的
  • 启蒙的
  • 起码的



1. being in the earliest stages of development

e.g. rudimentary plans

2. not fully developed in mature animals

e.g. rudimentary wings

Synonym: vestigial

3. being or involving basic facts or principles

e.g. the fundamental laws of the universe
a fundamental incomatibility between them
these rudimentary truths
underlying principles

Synonym: fundamentalunderlying

1. 基本的;简陋的;不完善的
Rudimentary things are very basic or simple and are therefore unsatisfactory.


e.g. ...a kind of rudimentary kitchen...
e.g. They are deprived of the ability to exercise the most rudimentary workers' rights.

2. (知识)基本的,初步的,粗浅的
Rudimentary knowledge includes only the simplest and most basic facts.

e.g. He had only a rudimentary knowledge of French.
e.g. ...a rudimentary grasp of economics.

1. 最基本的:但原告主张说,本案涉及到的是最基本的(rudimentary)侵权法原则,因而初审法官在缺乏相反的证据的情况下,本应推定这些侵权法的原则在沙特已得到承认;因此,出示相反证据的责任在被告方,而该方并末使这种责任得到解除.

2. rudimentary

2. 简单的:理念具有多样性,可以是基本的、简单的(rudimentary),也可以是冗长而复杂的(elaborate可以是理论驱动性的(theory-driven)或常识性的(common-sensical),也可以是阐述性的(descriptive)或因果关系性的(causal).

3. 基本的,初步的:be doomed to sth. 注定...... | rudimentary 基本的,初步的 | swerve (车突然地)转向一边

4. 根本的, 未发展的:ruminate 反刍, 沉思 | rudimentary 根本的, 未发展的 | obstruct 阻塞;妨碍

  • 经典引文

  • A little conversation in..my rudimentary Greek.

    出自:R. Macaulay
On his way, he points out several rudimentary smelters.(在路上,他指出几个初级冶炼厂。)
Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm's surface area to enhance lift slightly.(即使是前肢发育不全的羽毛也能扩大手臂的表面积,以略微提高升力。)
Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth.(有些恐龙只有未充分长成的牙齿。)
We have an incredibly complex system with only the most rudimentary controls.(我们有一个不可想象的复杂系统,而只是最低标准的控制。)
That requires a rudimentary login page, such as the one shown in Listing 1.(这就需要一个简单的登录页,如清单1所示。)
The earth surface of the courtyard extended into a kind of rudimentary kitchen.(院子的泥土地面延伸进一间类似简易厨房的地方。)
In the 1940s, ATC centres could and did take advantage of the newly developed radar and improved radio communication brought about by the Second World War, but the system remained rudimentary.(在20世纪40年代,空中交通管制中心能够而且确实利用了第二次世界大战中新研制的雷达和改进的无线电通讯,但是这个系统还处于初级阶段。)
But most of Yiwu's Middle Easterners have only a rudimentary grasp of Mandarin.(但是在义乌的大多数中东人对普通话却知之不多。)
This is an implementation of rudimentary error handling.(这是基本错误处理的实现。)
The technology is very rudimentary, and the work is hard.(采矿技术非常粗放,工作非常辛苦。)
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