英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [rɪˈwɔ:d]

美 [rɪˈwɔ:rd]


vt.奖赏;给 ... 报酬

形容词: rewardable 名词: rewarder 过去式: rewarded 过去分词: rewarded 现在分词: rewarding 第三人称单数: rewards

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  • 报答,报偿,回报,酬谢
  • 赏金,酬金,报酬,恩酬,酬劳,赏格,悬赏金
  • 奖赏,奖励
  • 报应,惩罚
  • 奖品
  • 好处,利,收获
  • 效果
  • 酬谢,酬劳,酬答,报答,报偿,给以报酬
  • 报应,报复,惩罚
  • 奖励,犒赏,论功行赏,奖赏
  • 补偿
  • [C][U]报酬,报答,奖赏,报偿 (sth gained or received as) a return for doing sth good or valuable
  • [C]赏金,酬金 an amount of money given to sb who helps the police or brings back lost property
  • vt. 酬谢,奖赏 give a reward to (sb) or for (an action)


1. an act performed to strengthen approved behavior

Synonym: reinforcement

2. benefit resulting from some event or action

e.g. it turned out to my advantage
reaping the rewards of generosity

Synonym: advantage

3. the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property

4. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing

e.g. the wages of sin is death
virtue is its own reward

Synonym: wagespayoff

5. payment made in return for a service rendered


1. strengthen and support with rewards

e.g. Let's reinforce good behavior

Synonym: reinforce

2. act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

Synonym: repaypay back

3. bestow honor or rewards upon

e.g. Today we honor our soldiers
The scout was rewarded for courageous action

Synonym: honorhonour

1. 奖励;奖赏
A reward is something that you are given, for example because you have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community.


e.g. A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling, punctuation and grammar...
e.g. He was given the job as a reward for running a successful leadership bid.

2. 赏金;赏格
A reward is a sum of money offered to anyone who can give information about lost or stolen property or about someone who is wanted by the police.

e.g. The firm last night offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer.
昨晚这家公司悬赏 1万英镑,寻找能将凶手定罪的证据。

3. 奖赏;奖励;酬谢
If you do something and are rewarded with a particular benefit, you receive that benefit as a result of doing that thing.

e.g. Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.

4. 报答;回报;酬谢
The rewards of something are the benefits that you receive as a result of doing or having that thing.

e.g. The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments...
e.g. Potentially high financial rewards are attached to senior hospital posts.

5. 值得(付出时间或精力)
If you say that something rewards your attention or effort, you mean that it is worth spending time or effort on it.


e.g. The compression and density make this a difficult book to read, but it richly rewards the effort.

1. 奖励:这时管理的不仅仅是被管理的主体而且也评价了其工作上司教导下属的能力;绩效管理的目的在于提高企业/部门/小组和个人的绩效,完成企业最终设定目标,绩效考核的目的在于是区分(Discrimination)/奖励(Reward)/发展(Devel

2. 回报:E .舒尔茨提出了 4R 营销新理论,阐述了一个全新的营销四要素 4R :关联 (Relevancy) 反应 (Response) 关系 (Relationship 回报 (Reward) . 侧重于用更有效的方式在企业和客户之间建立起有别于传统的新型关系.

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    作为酬报as return for doing sth good or valuable
    由于…而给予(…)报酬 give a reward to sb for sth
    reward sb for sth/v-ing

    Is that how you reward me for my help?


    I shall reward him for his services.


    We rewarded him for finding our lost cat.


    In our society, children are rewarded for good behaviour.


  • He will expect some reward after working so hard.
  • The rewards of study cannot always be measured in money.
  • The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery.
  • As a reward for passing his examination, he got a new watch from his parents.
  • How can I reward your kindness?
  • I shall reward his services.
  • Success rewarded his efforts.
  • 1
  • Anyone returning the necklace will be handsomely rewarded.
  • Those who protect the oil field will be rewarded.
  • Our efforts were rewarded by success.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • Owre lord..took Reward to his Good lyf.

    出自:H. Lovelich
  • Thou hast rewarded mee good, whereas I haue rewarded thee euill.

    出自:Bible (AV): 1 Samuel
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • reward用作名词时的意思是“报酬”,转化成动词意思是“酬谢,奖赏”,指对某人的所作所为给予一定的报酬作为奖励。
  • reward多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。
reward, prize
  • 这两个名词的共同意思是“奖赏”。prize指在比赛中获得好成绩而受奖,通常为奖杯或钱物; reward指由于某种行为而获得奖励,尤指金钱等形式的奖赏。
  • v.(动词)
    reward, award
  • 这两个词都可表示“给予”,它们的区别是:award强调“授予”(奖章、奖金等),后面可接两个宾语:被授予的人和所授的奖励; reward则强调“报酬”,只能以人或人的行为作宾语,如果要说明以何为报酬,须加with短语。
    • ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法国北方语的reward,意为观察。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.reward

    The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined— or added — the symbols to get the reward.

    然后, 研究人员测试了这些猴子是如何结合或添加这些符号来获得奖励的。


    高考真题例句 OG 1.reward

    For many who made it to Dawson, however, the rewards were worth the difficult trip.

    然而, 对于许多成功到达道森的人来说, 这趟艰难的旅程是值得的。


    They didn't get either reward or punishment for choosing the "pass" option, the uncertainty response.(当它们选择“跳过”——一个不确定的回答——就既没有奖励也没有惩罚。)
    Such service demandeth rich reward.(这样的服务需要丰厚的报酬。)
    My grandmother says a good deed is its own reward.(我的奶奶说,做好事本身就是一种回报。)
    They should have a reward.(它们应该得到一个奖励。)
    Simultaneously, dramatic drops in communication costs ease long-distance interactions, and there's a reward.(与此同时,通讯成本的大幅下降缓解了远程交流的障碍,而且还带来了回报。)
    You have had the trouble and we shall have the reward.(你千辛万苦,我们却要得到回报。)
    The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added the symbols to get the reward.(研究人员随后测试了猴子如何组合或添加这些符号来获得奖励。)
    They want more than the occasional coupon or reward, badge or crown.(他们要的不只是那些偶尔的赠券或者奖励、徽章或者皇冠。)
    Reward all those involved in the debate sufficiently when the goals are reached.(当目标达成时,对所有参与辩论的人给予足够的奖励。)
    There is a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds.(凡能为找回丢失的钻石提供线索者可获奖赏。)
    reward是什么意思 reward在线翻译 reward什么意思 reward的意思 reward的翻译 reward的解释 reward的发音 reward的同义词