英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈsædli]

美 [ˈsædli]


比较级:more sadly最高级:most sadly

  • 详情解释

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  • 悲哀地
  • 伤心地,郁郁不快地,闷闷不乐地
  • 令人伤心地
  • 可惜,令人遗憾
  • 不幸地
  • 悲惨地
  • 苦苦地
  • 凄凉地
  • 垂头丧气地,无精打采地
  • 愁眉苦脸地
  • 身体不好的


1. in an unfortunate way

e.g. sadly he died before he could see his grandchild

Synonym: unhappily

2. in an unfortunate or deplorable manner

e.g. he was sadly neglected
it was woefully inadequate

Synonym: deplorablylamentablywoefully

3. with sadness
in a sad manner

e.g. `She died last night,' he said sadly

1. 悲伤:Kate仍然坐着没有动(still),他没有不快(unhappily)、悲伤(sadly)或孤独(lonely)的感觉. 6 B 逻辑推理词义比较 Kate不可能失去(l0se)、也不会烦恼(trouble) 或伤害其妹妹,而是怕吓坏(frighten)了她而坐着不动. 7 C逻辑推理父亲和Kate一样,

2. 悲痛地:sadistic 虐待狂的 | sadly 悲痛地 | sadness 悲哀

3. 难过地;悲哀地:南瓜 pumpkin | 难过地;悲哀地 sadly | 难闻的 smelly

4. 悲痛地,悲哀地:sad 悲伤的,伤心的 | → sadly 悲痛地,悲哀地 | He stared sadly at the ruins of his house. 他悲伤地凝视着那坍塌的房子.

  • 经典引文

  • 'I have a lot of trouble being tall,' said Superman 4 sadly.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Sadly, the answer is no.(很遗憾,答案是否定的。)
Sadly, that is wrong.(可惜,这种想法是错误的。)
Sadly, there is nothing there.(可惜的是,一无所获。)
Sadly, this isn't true.(可悲的是,这是不正确的。)
She walked away sadly.(她伤心地走开了。)
"Neither have I," said the old man sadly.(“我也没有,”老人悲伤地说。)
"It's you, honey." My mother said sadly.(我妈妈伤心地说:“是你,亲爱的。”)
Sadly, that was a lie.(可惜,这是一个谎言。)
The moon is shining sadly.(月亮悲伤地照耀着。)
The lion asked sadly.(狮子伤心地问。)
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